A Notebook

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Mackenzie and I thudded our way up the stairs, with me dragging my book bag lazily.

"Explain yourself." Mackenzie commanded as soon as we entered my room. I tilted my head in a sense of what-are-you-talking-about and sat on my bed.

"Didn't we just declare it was mood swings?" I nagged. It was true though. And I still want my pizza.

"Yes, but I changed my mind." Mackenzie looked around innocently. She sat on my purple bed, making me bounce up and down.

"You don't just change your mi- let's just do our English homework." I went into my bag to get my notebook. "Where's my notebook? Where is my notebook? Oooh, Mr. Higgins is gonna get super pissed at me!" I scrambled around the room to find my English journal.

"Mackenzie, please help me!" I urged her. The last thing I need is a detention. Even worse, a detention with the worst teacher of life.

Mackenzie looked everywhere, checked my book bag, in my desk, and on my bed. "Did you find it?" I asked worriedly. She shook her head. "Aah! Where is it?"

"Why are you so concerned? Besides Mr. Higgins making every last bit of your life as miserable as he can because you didn't do your homework. Hehe." Mackenzie suddenly asked.

"First off, I usually always do it, that's just me, second, I'm not getting a detention, with Mr. Higgins!" I screeched. I jumped onto the bed, with my face sunken into my pillow.

"Ellie?" Mackenzie called, "Ellie?" She shook my arm to see if I was dead, I presumed.

"What am I gonna do?" I whined. Mackenzie was stuttered at my sudden awakening. Mackenzie started picking up stuff from the floor, and rolled her eyes and seated herself next to me.

"It's not that bad, Emilie. Let's just go back to the school and look for it." Mackenzie suggested. I guess we could. That wouldn't be so bad.

"Let me just tell my dad." I stated, and ran downstairs to my dad, who was watching TV, "Hey, Dad."

"Hey, Emmie." he waved, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Mackenzie and I are gonna go back to the school really quick. I left something there." I told him.

"Ok, be careful." he said, "Yes, yes, yes, almost there, YEAAAAAHHHHH!" I covered my ears.

Men and their sports. You gotta love 'em. I laughed to myself as I went back upstairs to tell Mackenzie we were good to go.

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