A Break-Up

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A few days later...

"Sweetie, we've got to go!" Mom called from her room, "I'm driving you this time, remember."

"Really?!" I called back.

"Yes! I packed you some lunch, too. It's on the kitchen counter!"

"Really? Thanks!"

"Are you ready yet?"

I slid on my bookbag. "Yeah, Mom!"

I heard heels clacking against the hardwood as Mom walked to my room.

"Let's go, sweetie." Mom and I went down the stairs and got in her BMW.


"Bye, Mom." I waved as she dropped me off in the front of the school.

A girl that looked familiar walked up to me.

"Are you Emilia?" the girl asked.

"Um, it's Emilie." I corrected.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. You know Caleb right?" she asked.

"Er, yeah." I told her.

"Well, I'm Pollie. You know, his girlfriend?" Pollie exclaimed.

"Oh, right. Nice to meet you." I offered her my hand.

She didn't take it.

I awkwardly put my hand down.

"Anyway, let me have your number." She said.

"Um, why?" I asked her.

"Because I need someone to talk to about how my relationship is going. I don't think it could be working out for us." She rolled her eyes.

"Why not?" I gave her my number.

"Look, here's my number." She swiped my phone, "And I don't think Caleb and I are really compatible. We just don't really click, you know?"

"Why is that?" I told her.

"I don't really feel like we have much in common or that we're really in love." She made quotation marks with her fingers when she said 'in love', "Oh, and I wrote my name with a smiley face." Pollie giggled.

"Um, okay. Thanks, I suppose." I took my phone back and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, TTYL, BFFL!" She talked in abbreviations.

She skipped away. Did she even go to school here?


Mackenzie and I sat together at lunch.

"Pollie gave me her number today." I told her.

"Why?" She asked.

"To talk to me about her relationship. She said she wasn't so sure they were compatible. Her and Caleb." I uttered.

"Why aren't they compatible?"

"Pollie told me she doesn't think they click. But I don't think she's going to break up with him yet." I told her.

"Hmm." Mackenzie muttered.


The next day...

I think I will break up with my BF.

I read the text message Pollie sent me after school.

I replied:


She answered back:

I'm really not feeling it. Oops, GTG!

I texted her back:

Bye (:

I put away my phone and sighed.


A few days later....

I woke up in the middle of the night to the noise of vibration and I saw my phone lighting up.

I leaned over to get my phone. Pollie was calling me. At 2:43 in the morning.

I yawned. "Hello?"

"Hey, BFFL. This is Pollie."

"Yeah, hey, Pollie."

"I've done it. I just called Caleb and broke up with him." Pollie squealed. "Turns out he totally understands, so no harm done."

"Oh, are you happy?" I asked.

"Yeah! I feel so free and alive, you know?" Pollie said, "And anyways, Caleb told me he wasn't really feeling it either. I told him I was fine with that."

"But he was going to keep dating you even though he wasn't feeling it?"

"Oh, no, no, no! Caleb told me he was going to break up with me tomorrow."

"Oh, really?" I said.

"Yup. Sorry if I barged into you while you were sleeping. Have a good night!" Pollie said and hung up.

I went back to sleep.


The next day at school I asked Caleb if he really was going to break up with Pollie.

"Yeah! But she beat me to it!" Caleb cried.

"Are you lying?" I called.

"No!" He cried.

"I'm watching you!" I muttered.

I love joking with him.


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