A Stubborn Little Heart

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I ran as fast as my little feet could carry me, but with skinny jeans it was hard.

"Thank goodness we're here!" I panted as we arrived to the school. "C'mon, Kenzie!"

Mackenzie and I went through the back entrance to the school and zoomed through the hallways looking for a teacher. I saw outside they were having football practice. I went down the stairs to the field to find a teacher and ask for the keys to the classroom.

"Emilie? What are you doing here?" Our Gym teacher, Ms. Hobbs, asked.

"I left something in the English classroom. Do you have a key I could use to get it?" I pleaded.

Then one of the football players came trotting by. He took off his helmet, and black hair appeared.


It's Caleb. What perfect timing. "Hey, Caleb."

"Your English journal, you left it in the classroom and I noticed it so I decided I'd give it to you after school before we left but I didn't see you.." Caleb stated.

I took the journal from his pale hand. "Er, thanks." I smiled. He looked for me...

Ms. Hobbs said, "Well, do you still need the key?" She laughed, but nobody else did.

Mackenzie nudged me."Let's go."

"But..okay." I nodded and looked back behind me and waved to him, and he waved back.


As soon as we got home again, Mackenzie rubbed her hands together. "English homework?"

What homework? I daydreamed about the ice-eyed adolescent who was creeping his way into my stubborn little heart. I didn't care much about anything else at this point.

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