A Funeral And A Gift

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A few days later...

"She's dead!"

"No, it can't be!"

"It was such a good birdy!"


"All of us here gather today in loving memory of Chickadee, our beloved Canary." Mackenzie said to the class, "She has been in our school for 9 years. But now it is time to say good bye."

I whispered, "Good bye, Chickadee."

Chickadee was our History class pet. Our History teacher was the only one who let us have a class pet.

Chickadee was put in her righful place.

Caleb handed me a tissue as Mackenzie and I cried in unison.

"She was such a good bird!" I wailed.

"Why did she have to go?" Mackenzie cried on my shoulder.

"It'll be okay." Caleb said.

"It'll be okay? Chickadee died! How will it be okay?" Mackenzie cried.

"Relax, Mackenzie. I'm sad, too." I told her.

I looked at Caleb and gave him a dirty look.

He had a what-did-I-do face.

I smiled at him.

He half-smiled.


At lunch, Mackenzie, Caleb and I sat together.

"Man, it really sucks that Chickadee died." Caleb muttered.

"Yeah." Mackenzie sobbed.

"Aww, don't be too sad, Kenzie. We'll get another class pet." I told Mackenzie.

"No, Principal Howards wouldn't ever let us get another class pet." Mackenzie wailed, and began to cry again.

"Oh, poor Mackenzie." I said to Caleb.

"And you know what the worst part is? Chickadee was my only pet so now I have no pet at all!" Mackenzie buried her face in her crossed arms.

Caleb and I exchanged glances.


A few days later....

Mackenzie had been depressed all week about Chickadee.

"Mackenzie, we have a surprise for you!" I told Mackenzie after school.

"We?" she asked.

"Yeah, Caleb and I." I said.

"Oh." She murmured.

"But you have to put on this blindfold." Caleb suddenly said, holding a piece of red fabric.

"But, I-" Mackenzie said.

"No, no, no, no buts." I said and wrapped the blindfold around Mackenzie's head, "Now, I'll lead you to your surprise, but no peeking, alright?"

"OK, fine." Mackenzie said, "I'm so excited!"

I led her to a bench with a big gift on top.

"Open your eyes!" I squealed.

"OMG, you shoudn't have- what is it?" Mackenzie asked.

"Open it." Caleb replied.

Mackenzie daintily unwrapped the shiny green paper, and it revealed a pet carrier.

"A pet carrier?" Mackenzie said, "But I don't have a pet!"


"OHEMGEE!" Mackenzie shrieked. She quickly unlocked the pet carrier.

Bark, bark!

"It's a Shih-Tzu! Is it a girl? What's it's name?" Mackenzie cried.

The dog constantly licked Mackenzie's face.

"It's actually a Shih-Tzu-Yorkie mix, or Shorkie, and she's a girl, and her name is Cocoa!" I squealed, "She was the only Shih-Tzu left at the rescued pets kennel! I knew you'd just love her! And I've already talked to your mom and she's totally cool with it!"

"Oh my gosh, she is so cute!" Mackenzie cried, Cocoa kept licking Mackenzie.

"I've already got you all the information, food, bowl, and the rest of the stuff." I told her.

"Thank you so much!" Mackenzie said, "Where'd you get the idea to do this?"

"Well, a few days ago, we noticed you were super-mega-depressed when Chickadee died, may she rest in peace, and you had no pets. So Caleb and I were thinking, we should get you your own pet! Now all three of us have dogs!" I said, "Plus, you can fit her in your purse!"

"Aww, thank you both!" She hugged me.

I nudged Caleb with my elbow and smiled at him.

He half-smiled back.

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