A Change

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It was a fresh new day at Shay Polish High. I sighed. I got into my English classroom, sat down, expecting Doris Fisherman to be next to me, but instead I saw black hair and almost-white-eyes.

"Hey," he waved. I nodded. I rested my head on my hand, then pretended to read. Why is he here? Why is he here? Why is he here?

"You like Shakespeare?" Caleb asked. I just grabbed the first book I could find from my bag.

"Sort of." I muttered. Then I thought for a moment. In a typical book or movie the guy would start saying all this stuff from Romeo and Juliet and the girl is like, 'Wow, what a hunk!' Then they live happily ever after! I hate endings of books like that. It ruins the mood.

"I hate Shakespeare. It's like speaking jibberish, no offense to Shakespeare-people." Caleb chuckled to himself and half-smiled, "I guess we're that different. Heh."

"I actually randomly grabbed this from my bag -er- I just get nervous sometimes..." I wasn't lying. It took me a while to give... Derek.... a chance.

He laughed to himself again. "Same with me. 'Specially with girls I know are way out of my league."

Him and I both laughed.

The teacher, Mr. Higgins, cleared his throat.

Caleb and I both turned away from each other. I looked down and fiddled my fingers. "Miss Taylor?"

I cleared my throat. "Um, yes, Mr. Higgins?"

"You think you're so smart you can talk during my class? Hmm?" Mr. Higgins raised a bushy eyebrow.

"Um, no, sir."

"Then why don't you listen and stop talking, Miss Taylor?"

I didn't say anything.

"I thought so." Mr. Higgins twisted his plump self to face Caleb, or formally, Mr... what's his last name again? "Mr. Masen. I suppose you don't have anything better to say than what Miss Taylor has said?"

"No, sir." Caleb murmured.

"Then I shall continue my class. I hope these two disrespectful deliquents learn to behave." Mr. Higgins snapped, then returned to his lesson.

After Mr. Higgins got to the other side of the classroom, I leaned to Caleb and whispered, "I didn't know I was a deliquent."

"Me either." Caleb did his half-smile again.

I decided to return to my lesson.


"What was that? What is up with you lately? WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU?!" Mackenzie screeched as we walked home because she was sleeping over.

"What did I do this time?" I impatiently snapped. Mackenzie took her what-is-wrong-with-you face to a you-aren't-the-same-Emilie-Noelle-Taylor-I-know face.

"You seem different. You never snap back like that. You usually keep your feelings to yourself, besides what happened with Der- you know who." Mackenzie softened her tone. And she intensely looked at my face.

"Must be mood swings." Mackenzie sighed and continued walking.

"Yeah, mood swings." I shrugged and caught up to Mackenzie. I never have mood swings. I never have more than one mood in a day! I just need some sleep and in the morning I'll be fine. Or some food. We'll order pizza. Yeah, that's what I'll do.


trust me i know its boring but it gets alot better in the upcoming chapters!!! please if you're bored don't stop reading, it'll get much more exciting!! And also sorry for errors, I'm a bad editor, hehe, and thanks for reading my first story!!


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