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I'm SOOOO sorry I haven't been on lately!! I've been so busy and I couldn't update the last chapter! Maybe some people were hoping for the epilogue so here you go! Sorry if it's not very good, I had worked on it a few weeks ago, but I hadn't finished it.

Love y'all!


A few years later....

I sat down at my seat. I stared out onto the clear blue sea.

I inhaled the ocean air and sunk my feet into the sand.

Mackenzie was sitting next to me. She had a strapless nude-colored dress with studs on them withsandals.

I had a colorful dress with sandals and my hair up with an orchid.

I spotted Caleb. I smiled at him.

Everything was just so beautiful here in St. Lucia.

Caleb had told me the good news about a few months ago about Kelsey getting married to her boyfriend, Liam.

I watched as Liam and the Celebrant enter. Then all of the Bridesmaids and the Maid of Honor. Then the Ring Bearer and flower girl.

After, came the big moment.

Kelsey came out, and she looked beautiful.

Kelsey's dress was a strapless sheath dress and it was very pretty. She had a curled bun with her veil coming out of it.

Kelsey had no shoes on as she walked through the sand, and the setting was just marvelous.


At the reception, Mackenzie and I were seated in what you'd call a "kids table" with Caleb, and his 3 cousins.

"That short one is Aubrey. The taller one is Alexi." Caleb introduced.

The tall one, Alexi, had dark brown hair and blue eyes like Caleb's.

"Hi, I'm Alexi. Or Lexi." Alexi greeted me.

"Hi, Alexi. I'm Emilie. I'm Caleb's friend." I said.

Mackenzie began to say, "Oh, and I'm Macken-"

"Are you his friend that's a girl or girlfriend?" Alexi asked, "Because there is a difference."

"No, no, we're just friends." I muttered.

I noticed what she was wearing was very sophisticated.

"You like my dress?" Alexi asked.

"Yes. It's very pretty." I smiled at her, "So, is that your sister?"

"Oh, her? Yeah. She's Aubrey." She said, then leaned to me, "Between you and me, she doesn't really like to talk much."

I saw her playing with a Nintendo DS.

"Aubrey?" Alexi shook her sister's shoulder, "Aubrey? She thinks just because I'm a whole year older that she doesn't need to do all the talking, if you know what I mean."

"What do you want, Alexi?" Aubrey roared after many, many shakes on the shoulder from her sister.

"I wanted to introduce you to Caleb girlfrie- I mean friend that's a girl. And her friend, Mackenzie." She said.

Aubrey continued to play her game and waved without taking her face off the screen, "Hey."

"She likes video games, as I can see." Mackenzie said.

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