A Girl Who Gets Kicked Out

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I just kept running as fast as my little boots could carry me. The ground squish-squashed as I stomped onto the snow.

I got home as fast I could but before I entered I checked if Caleb had followed me.

I slammed the door open as I went into my bedroom. I sat on my bed. What had happened?

Was Caleb in a gang?

Why did I care?

But I just told myself I wanted to talk to him. And I do.

But I don't!

Ow. Having an argument in my head sure gives me a headache.

Mackenzie called and asked me if I wanted to come over.

My dad dropped me off and went into her room.

I hadn't been to her house in a long time. I remembered her butterfly themed room, and the walls were pink and the bed was pink. Everything was pink!

"Hey, Emilie. Where were you today?" Mackenzie asked.

"Um, I was walking around the town." I muttered. I fiddled my thumbs.

"You were walking around in the town? Were you with someone?" Mackenzie worriedly asked, "There could be gangs and guys that try to grab you!"

"Um, I was alone..." I pulled up my sweater sleeve to flingers.

"Anything happen to you? Were you okay? You look tense." Mackenzie rapidly said.

"I-I-I bumped into a group of guys, and they wanted me to go in the car with them and-"

"You bumped into a gang?" Mackenzie roared.

"No, no! It couldn't have been a gang." I said.

Mackenzie crossed her arms. "A random group of guys wouldn't just ask you if you wanted to go for a drive-"

"Caleb was with them!" I yelled. Mackenzie un-crossed her arms.

"You...you went...you saw...did he...you still..." Mackenzie stuttered, "He was...there?"

"Yes," I whispered as quietly as I could.

"Did he talk t-t-to you?" Mackenzie's voice started to squeak.

"He told me, technically, 3 words." I told her.

"What did he say? Take me back? I was dumb? I love you? I miss you?" Mackenzie guessed, "What did he say?"

"He told me, 'You...um...okay?' Yeah, that's it." I recalled.

"That's it? Mackenzie said.

I nodded.

"And you didn't reply, right?"

I nodded.

"Well..." I muttered.

"What?" Mackenzie asked.

"I wanted to... but the other half of me didn't..." I sounded crazy, "I had mixed feelings, okay? It was a rough time!"

"All you needed to do was run away!" Mackenzie told me.

"I did!" I screeched.

"That why didn't you talk to him if you wanted to?" Mackenzine screamed.

"Because I was really confused and didn't have many options!" I cried.

"You had two! Talk to him, or not! Easy!" she told me.

"It's alot harder than you think, Mackenzie!" I protested.

Mackenzie's angry expression switched to a serious one.

"Get out."

"What?" I asked.

"I said get out. As in move yourself out of my house." Mackenzie muttered.

"Wait, why?" I was puzzled.

"Because I say so. Leave, now." She was started to tear up.

"Fine." I grabbed my things and left.


I was crying now as I got home. I had to walk a long time before I got here.

"Mom!" I cried.

Mom came quickly in. "What happened sweetie? Did you get hurt?"

"Not...physically." I dropped myself onto the couch.

"Honey, what happened?" Dad asked.

"I got kicked out by my best friend." I said sadly.

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