A Blushing Girl

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I can't sleep.

I'm too busy thinking about him... his hair, his half-smile, his eyes.... Could it be true? Am I in love? With Caleb? The next time I saw him... what would I say? What would I do? How could I get him to notice me?

What am I saying?

He already did make it obvious he noticed me.

I stuffed my face in my pillow. I started imaging us together at the dance, and holding hands... I've never done that with any guy... I giggled. I twiddled my fingers around. Then I held both my hands together, pretending one of my hands were his.

I closed my eyes. And dreamt.


I woke up on this lovely September morning with another one of those tingly feelings inside. I picked out something a little happier to wear today. I picked my blazer, my Beatles T-shirt, a black ruffly skirt and my black boots. Then I actually did something to my hair. I put it up in a pretty up-do. I even put diamond studs on!

I walked down the stairs all happy-go-lucky. "Wow, you look nice today." My dad said as he saw me entering the first floor of the house, "Are you going to school or a wedding?"

I chuckled. "I just felt like looking nice today." I lied. I actually wanted to impress Caleb. I know he noticed me as me, but why not pretty myself up?


As I entered into the school, some people I knew had surprised expressions on their faces. I didn't mind. Heehee.

"Hey, Kenzie." I waved as I came up to while she was drinking water from the fountain. Mackenzie turned around, expecting jeans and a jacket, but saw a bright-eyed teen.

"Hi, Ellie." Mackenzie took a look at my outfit, "Nice. Dress to impress, eh?" She nudged my elbow.

"Pretty much." I smiled, "So, what's new with you?" I asked her as we walked to our lockers.

"Not much..." Mackenzie looked down, then suddenly shrieked, "Except that Shay Polish's finest dance committee coordinator is pleased to announce that the October Bash is officially complete!"

I jumped and clapped for Mackenzie. "My committee and I have planned the greatest dance of all time!" Mackenzie squealed.

"Wow, that's great! What's the theme? Just ghosts and spiderwebs?" I asked. She leaned in to whisper something in my ear.

"I'm not telling." she whispered. I giggled. "And don't tell anybody. You're the only person that knows besides the committee and I. Don't tell a soul."

"Okay!" I promised.

"I'll tell you one thing though. Everyone is going to bring a costume. Like, I'm going to be..." Mackenzie began to say, "I'm not telling."

"Um, okay. I already know what I wanna be!" I said.


"I'm not telling."

Mackenzie and I both laughed and as the bell rang we headed to first period.


Next period was Mr. Higgins. The only class I really have with Caleb. I was looking foward to it.

I moved quickly to English class, sat down, and saw Caleb sitting in the desk next to me. It turned out Doris Fisherman switched with Caleb.

"Hey." We both said at the same time. Then we laughed. I stopped to check if Mr. Higgins was watching.

"You first." Caleb offered. I looked down and flipped my bangs up. I felt myself blushing.

"Hey, Cay. Oh, that rhymes!" I think I sounded stupid.

"Oh, yeah! Heh." Caleb chuckled, "Let me try. Hey, Emi- no. Er... I'll just call you Emmie."

"Yeah, we should stick with that." I murmured.

He half-smiled. "Hmm." he thought for a bit, "Yeah, we should." Then we laughed together again.

I liked the sound of "we". We are sitting in English class. We are in 9th grade. We are going to the dance together... yup, I liked the sound of that.

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