An Accident

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I got out of my bed for school and told my dad I was going to walk. As I headed there some dude bumped into me from behind.

I dropped all my books and my bookbag flew open. Ugh! I turned around.

"What's your pro-", I began to say but then I recognized his face from school. I watched him kneel down and pick up my papers. I bent to grab my bookbag and he did too and our faces met.

He had jet black hair, all going to the side, and extremely brilliant, ice blue eyes. I didn't stop staring till he began to talk.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-" he started to say, but I shook my head.

"It's alright. You have no idea how much I bump into complete strangers like that, I'm always dropping coffee, and it's such a big mess, and... do you -er- go to school here?" I was struggling with words, and my hands were clammy, what is going on?

"Um, yeah! I was just passing through, so, um, sorry about that. See you around... I guess." he walked away, then he stopped, "I'm Caleb, by the way."

"Oh yeah, right, I'm Emilie. Yeah, so I'll see you around." I murmed. I watched him awkwardly move towards the school. Wow, what a guy.

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