A Confession 2

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I stared at what was in my hands. "A detention?"

"If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." Mr. Higgins chuckled as he passed by my desk."You thought you were so slick and clever that you could get past my homework. How dumb do you think I am?"

I stayed silent yet again.


I headed to lunch after class. Mackenzie caught up to me. She looked mad.

"What is your problem?" Mackenzie screeched. "You didn't do homework. You got a detention. First time...EVER!"

"I was just tired." I kept walking, hoping she'd forget about it.

"Who am I to you? You tell me 'I was just tired'. Tired? Since when are you tired enough not to do your homework? I'm your best friend!" Mackenzie yelled. "You usually tell me everything. Like what you're eating and when you go to bed and wake up! What kind of best friend am I for you to say 'I was just TIRED'?"

I sat on the bench and dumped my head into my arms. "I'm a wreck." I sobbed.

Mackenzie click-clacked with her electric pink heels to sit next to me on the wooden bench. "No, you're not, you're just... what happened?"

"I...I..." I was struggling with words. "I...I can't explain." Mackenzie raised a plucked brow.

"You can't explain?" she said skeptically, "What do you feel?"

"It's right, somewhere here... like a deep hole..." I pointed around my chest, "It feels like butterflies."

"AAAAH! OHEMGEE! Let's go to lunch, c'mon!" Mackenzie grabbed my arm and pulled me to the lunchroom and we sat down.

"Tell me EVERYTHING! AAH!" Mackenzie squealed, but then noticed my puzzled expression, "You don't get it, do you?" I shook my head slowly.

"You like him!" Mackenzie shrieked. I... I do!

"I guess I do like Caleb." I felt tingly inside. Mackenzie's smile grew bigger as she heard every word I was saying. Then I felt myself smiling. I didn't tell myself to do that!

"Is this like your first true love?" Mackenzie asked, her eyes shimmering with excitement.

"Yeah, I think so." I stated. My voice started getting squeakier.

Soon enough, Mackenzie and I were both squealing and shrieking and screaming ecstatically.

I had never felt like this before. It's like walking in a meadow full of heart-shaped daisies and roses! Er, I won't say that out loud.

After lunch, Mackenzie and I skipped to next period. Skipped.

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