Preference #2: His Favourite Couple Thing To Do

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George: Playing with your hands is his favourite thing to do. When you’re out in public, he’ll do it subtly, rubbing his thumb along your hand while he holds it, swinging it and hooking your fingers together randomly. When you’re alone he’ll be a lot more obvious, picking your hand up while you’re watching TV or talking to him, kissing each knuckle and slowly joining his fingers with yours, drawing hearts in your palm and kissing the back of it over and over, mesmerized. Sometimes when watching a film, he’ll sit there with your hand in his, holding it up to his mouth and kissing it or rubbing his lips against it, comforted by the smell and feel of it. Sometimes when you’re bored, or having a lazy day, you’ll let him paints your nails or draw on your hands, giggling at the concentration on his face as he works away, often resulting in you being snapped in public buying a pint of milk with little hearts or animals on your hands and messy nails, not that you cared anyway. A lot of people think it’s weird, but you find it adorable.  

Jaymi: Jaymi loves watching you model your clothes and go shopping with you. He’ll sit on the bed, watching as you try different outfit combinations, asking for his opinion and taking it seriously, not feeling self-conscious at all as you changed your clothes in front of him. You’re very comfortable with him and he’s proud of you for it; you’re very used to each other. He’s always had great fashion sense and he loves having an input to your outfit. He knows your wardrobe and jewellery collection off by heart at this point, and will always suggest something you never thought of, making it easy for him to buy you little presents you adore that will go well with an item of clothing you have. You always feel comfortable walking out with Jaymi in public. He adores flashing off your wardrobe to people, knowing you look absolutely stunning in it and tries to get it photographed at every opportunity possible. You think it’s a cute habit but to him it’s a partial obsession. He’s always looking around for clothes for you more than he is for himself, but he’ll always make sure you want his opinion and he’ll never criticise what you wear if he doesn’t 100% like it. He makes you happy in your clothes, and it makes for some great bonding time between you.               

Josh: Kissing you is his favourite thing to do; whether it’s in public or private. It doesn’t matter what’s happening or where you are, he just loves putting his lips on your anywhere. When you walk down the street, it’s not uncommon for him to kiss your hand or cheek randomly, and there’s a lot of photos of you both standing in lines or talking to people while he kissed your shoulder or neck. When you’re sad or scared, he’ll pull you close and kiss your forehead, hair and ear; when you’re laughing, he’ll kiss your scrunched up nose or pepper your face with little kisses, only making you giggle harder. There’s tonnes of photos of him kissing you, and they’re all adorable. When you’re alone, the kisses are different. He loves giving you long, romantic kisses randomly, pulling you close and making them slow and sensual, making you weak at the knees. He loves the taste of your lips and the feeling of your base skin on his mouth, and the reaction he can get out of you with different kisses in different places. He knows you like the back of his hand, not that you’re complaining.   

JJ: Most people probably wouldn’t think it, but JJ’s favourite thing to do is cuddle. He loves wrapping his arms around you and pulling your close, feeling your heart beating against his chest and the warmth of your body. It doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with. When you’re talking to people, in a line or generally standing around, he’ll pull your back against his chest, resting his mouth on your head and wrapping his arms around your own. If you’re cold, tired or sad he’ll pull you close to him, letting you bury your head in his chest or neck while he rubs your back and rocks you side to side, enjoying the feelings of protecting you from the outside world. He holds you close when you kiss, running his hands all over your body and holding you so tight you feel like one person, safe and loved. When you’re watching a film he loves  having you close to his side, stroking your hair or rubbing your shoulder, and resting his head in the crook of your neck, and when you’re both lying in bed, he’ll have his arms wrapped around firmly, changing and adapting to your sleeping positions so he can always be close. He hates not having you near, and you’re now very familiar with the feeling of his muscles against your body; it’s a comfort. 

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