Preference #35: He Sees You Without Makeup For The First Time.

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You’re getting ready for a date with your boyfriend when your phone rings. Your screen lights up with his picture, creating a smile on your face. “Hey love, I just need 5 more minutes and I’ll be ready.” However, the voice that answers isn’t as happy as you expected it to be. “I’m so sorry, there’s a huge traffic jam, I won’t be able to make it tonight. I’m sorry, I swear I’ll make it up to you!” Although you’re very disappointed, you’ve been preparing for so long and been so excited, you know it’s not his fault. “It’s alright, don’t worry! See you later?” “Sure. I’m sorry!Love you sweetheart!” After hanging up, you stare at your close to perfect makeup and with a sigh begin to wash it off your face. Since you don’t expect George to come over to your place, you dress into baggy clothes and put your hair in a messy bun. You’re lying on the couch with a bag of crisps, watching the movie when your door opens. “I know our plans are ruined, but I brought some takeaway and movies…” George starts, but stops as a yelp leaves your mouth. “What?” “You should have warned me you’ll come! I look like a hobo!” You see his smile from behind your hands, which are pulled away from your face by him. “You look exactly like something I want to come home to every day.” He says before he kisses you.

You open your eyes and sleepily search for the analoge clock on your bedside table. You immediately jump out of bed as you realise you’ve overslept and are late for school. You don’t have time to care about your makeup, although you’re sure you have quite bad circles under your eyes. You basically run to school and thus you get there in time for you second period. You take your seat next to your boyfriend, who looks at you questioningly. ‘What happened to you?” “I overslept.” “Yeah, I can see that.” He says with a cheeky tone. “I know” you sigh. “I look like a zombie.” “No, you look beautiful. I meant I can see you overslept, since you’re wearing my shirt.” Let’s just say you received a few weird looks, but Josh had a proud smile on his face all day.

You and your boyfriend planned a day on the beach for a long time, and finally it’s the perfect time to do it. You woke up early in the morning to get everything to have the best time with JJ. Right now, as you’re getting ready, he’s watitng for you downstairs. You don’t bother to put on makeup, or to do something with your hair, it’d all get ruined by the water anyways. As you’re walking down the stairs, JJ’s eyes widen a bit and don’t leave your figure until you’re standing in front of him. He takes your hand and makes you spin around for him, before he presses his lips on top of yours. As you break away, a giggle leaves your lips. “What was that for?” “Nothing speacial. You’re just beautiful.” “But I don’t even wear anything pretty.” “That’s the point. You’re still perfect without anything expensive, just the things nature gave you. You’re forbidden to use makeup anymore. Got it?” You laugh but he doesn’t let you go until he takes in your clear face one more time with admiring eyes.

Jaymi’s been your best friend for quite a while, but lately you haven’t seen each other very often. That’s why when he tells you he’d have the day off, you both jump at the opportunity to spend it together. Cinema, fast food and chilling at home, that’s the plan! You’re getting ready when the door opens. He’s quite familiar with your home, it’s like he enters his own. He immediately goes into your room, where you’re about to apply your makeup. He stops at the entrance of your room and just stares at you. “Well? Aren’t you going to come and give me a hug?” You ask with a smile, but he keeps staring. “What?” He shakes his head, as if he just came back from another dimension and hugs you. “Sorry, I just forgot how beautiful you are.” You laugh and roll your eyes before turning back  to your makeup facilities, but he snatches your bag before you could reach it. “What are you doing?” You shout after him as he runs away. You find him smiling in the living room, without your bag. “Where did you put it?” “I hid it. You don’t need that. Please don’t use it today. I want to memorise your beauty.”

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