Preference #38: He Helps You Study.

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Josh: "Como estas hoy?" Josh asked, his blue eyes flicking up to meet yours. You couldn't help but squirm a little, Josh speaking in Spanish was about as sexy as it gets. "Uhhh, gato?" Josh's eyebrows crinkled into a mass on his forehead. "Cats?" You shrugged, blushing slightly, Josh sighed, "I asked, how are you today?" "Oh!" You piped up, "Bien." Josh shook his head, "You are going to have to use full sentences." You rolled your eyes, "Estoy bien, y tu?" "Bien." Josh replied, "That was really good, but you're going to have to use your tongue correctly." Your blush deepened as your mind immediately went to the gutter, Josh smacked his hand on his forehead, "I meant your r's, you need to learn how to-oh never mind!"

George: "Baaabe" George whined, flipping the book closed, "can we please take a break?" You rolled your eyes, never allowing your vision to leave the page. "George, I thought you were going to help me." He sighed, reaching towards a colored picture of the periodic table. "Ok, what is Cu?" You looked up, biting the end of your pen, "Calcium?" George shook his head, sitting up and crossing his legs, "See you later copper!" George said, lacing his voice with a thick New York accent. You raised your eyebrows, "What?" George smiled, "See you, as in the letters c and u. And copper, the letters Cu stand for copper." George reasoned. As if a lightbulb popped on in your head, your smile brightened. "George that's amazing!" You said, clapping your hands, "I am totally going to ace this test!"

Jaymi: Jaymi yawned, allowing his head to fall back on your lap. Your eyes burned with exhaustion, pulling an all-nighter was definitely not the best idea. "Ok," Jaymi said, his voice a little husky, "What is the capitol of Portugal?" You racked your brain for a moment "Lisbon." "Right!" Jaymi said, flipping to the next page, "And Scotland?" You bit your lip, "Glasgow?" Jaymi shook his head, "No, it's Edinburgh." You sighed, feeling your confidence plummet. "Jay, I'm never going to pass this, I am a failure." Jaymi sat up, wrapping his arms around your shoulder, "No, you are not." He moved your hands away from your face. "You are kind, important, intelligent, and you can succeed at anything you put your mind to." He said. You smiled, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, "Thanks, love you." "Love you too."

JJ: "Uhmm, I really don't know how to pronounce this." JJ said, blushing. You looked over at the paper, "O-ed-i-pull, it's the Oedipul complex, which discusses how a child is attracted sexually to the parent of the opposite sex." JJ's eyes widened, "Ew! Why on earth are you studying this stuff!" You laughed, "It's Freud, he is pretty messed up." JJ rolled his eyes, reaching for some M&M's, you slapped his hand away. "JJ, those are for rewards!" "But, I don't get to answer any questions!" He protested. You thought for a moment, "Ok, if I get a question right,I get an M&M, if I answer wrong, you get one." JJ perked up, scanning the book for the most complex question. "Which approach to personality is the least deterministic?" You paused for a moment, you really had no idea. "Behavioral?" You said, recalling the only approach that came to mind. JJ pumped his fist in the air "Humanistic!"

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