Preference #8_ He Finds Out Your Pregnant.

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George: ‘Oh my god, oh my god..’ you stared at the little pink plus sign, on the little white stick, that was going to make a really big change. You were pregnant. You had been with your boyfriend George for two years, so it wasn’t a problem but you weren’t prepared. You didn’t know if you could do this, be a mother. George’s tours, he’s a pop star, and as much as he would be there, he wouldn’t be there as well. You held back a few tears, hid the pregnancy test, and went back out to the living room where George was making dinner. ‘You okay, love?’ He asked, perking an eyebrow and looking up from the pot. ‘Oh… uh/’ you bit your lip, ‘Yep. I just stubbed my toe.’ George chuckled and kissed your forehead, ‘You’re a beautiful, klutz, (Y/N).’ You smiled and went to get some plates. George excused himself and went to the bathroom for a second, and you sat down, wondering how you were going to tell George about this. ‘(Y/N)’ George walked back into the kitchen slowly. ‘Do you have something you want to tell me?’ You snapped your head up, and saw George holding the pregnancy test. ‘Oh.’ you whispered, ‘I’m sorry.’ You started crying, feeling overwhelmed. George moved to you, clutching your shoulders and laughing, ‘What? Sorry? (Y/N), this is fantastic! This is wonderful! I’m going to be a dad! And you’re going to be a mum! Mummy Shelley!’ He yelled excitedly, covering you in kisses, making you erupt in giggles. Yeah, this was going to be fine.

Josh: ‘I don’t know how to tell him, (Y/F/N)!’ You giggled, spending some time with (Y/F/N) at the flat you shared with your boyfriend Josh. (Y/F/N) rubbed your barely there baby bump. ‘Oh my goodness.’ She giggled, ‘It’s so cute! You’re gonna have a little Cuthbert.’ You both ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ over baby names, thinking of how cute your baby was going to be. George came in the front door of the flat, smiling, ‘I’ve got wine, ladies!’ ‘Oh..’ you and (Y/F/N) just looked at each other. ‘No thanks.’ you smiled. ‘What?’ George raised an eyebrow, ‘That’s unusual.’ ‘She’s pregnant’ (Y/F/N) blurted out, before clamping her hand over her mouth. George’s eyes got wide, ‘WHAT?’ You nodded, suppressing a smile. Before you knew it, George had run out of the room and was on the phone with Josh. ‘Congratulations mate! She’s pregnant!’ ‘NO!’ You and (Y/F/N) both went lunging into the other room, laughing, ‘He doesn’t know, George!’ You yelled at him.George’s face dropped and he looked at the phone, then at you. You took the phone, ‘Josh?’ ‘OH MY GOD.’ Josh was crying, ‘This is amazing! I’ll be right over! I love you!’

Jaymi: You and Jaymi had managed to get pregnant the very first time that you tried for a baby. But you wanted to find the perfect way to tell him. You had waited quite a long time, determined to find out the sex first, so you could surprise Jaymi that way. You had such an impossible time trying to hide it from Jaymi, wearing baggy clothes and denying him access to you in the shower or bathroom - which was uncommon for the two of you. Finally, you had a hospital appointment to get your ultrasound, and you were just sitting down in the chair to start when Jaymi burst through the exam room door. ‘OH GOD..’ he was breathing hard, ‘(Y/N), are you okay? God, angel, what happened? Why didn’t you tell me? I got a call saying your appointment was today and..’ he stopped, realization dawning, ‘AND YOU’RE PREGNANT!’ He screeched excitedly, pointing at you. ‘Damnit, Jaymi.’ you chuckled, ‘I was trying to surprise you.’ Jaymi moved to your side and grabbed your hand, kissing your forehead, “Mrs. Hensley, I am very surprised.’

JJ: You had spent about four weeks trying to figure out the best way to surprise JJ that you were carrying a little baby Hamblett. Unfortunately, you were just getting to the point where you were starting to show, and you couldn’t hide that from JJ for too long. You were getting ready to take a shower, when you heard JJ open the bathroom door. You quickly wrapped a towel around your body, hiding your baby bump. ‘Hey, love.’ JJ purred, walking over to you and giving you a hug, ‘Maybe I’ll join you, yeah?’ ‘Umm..’ you bit your lip, ‘I don’t think so. Not today.’ JJ’s face fell, ‘Why not?’ ‘I just… am, not in the mood.’ JJ’s face brightened and his eyes squinted up as he laughed, ‘That’s silly. When are you ever not in the mood.’ ‘Now.’ You frowned. JJ looked at you quizzically, and then at your stomach, just slightly protruding from your towel. ‘Oh my god.’ he took a step back as he realized what was happening, only to erupt in giggles, ‘I’M GOING TO BE A DAD! I’M GOING TO BE A DAD!’ He started cheering and running around the bathroom. You groaned, ‘I was going to surprise you!’ JJ laughed, ‘When? In eight months? Babe, you can’t hide a baby for too long.’ You shrugged, ‘Touché.’ ‘So..’ JJ shifted himself in my direction and laid one hand across my stomach and one on my shoulders, giving me a loving kiss.  ’What about that shower?’ he winked cheekily.

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