Preference #31: He Gets Jealous.

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You and George went out to have a coffee one afternoon. You were laughing at something he said while he ordered your drinks, when the guy behind the counter began staring at you. You blushed as you noticed and looked down at your feet, but George didn’t take it that easily. First he just put his arm around your waist and cleared his throat shooting angry glares at the guy, but he didn’t notice. He was too busy winking at you. 

“You’ve got a beautiful smile.” he said. You didn’t want to be rude, so you thanked him. When he gave you your order, you noticed that there was a cookie that you didn’t order. 

“Um you misplaced that.” you said pointing at it. 

“No, I didn’t. It’s for you.” he said winking. 

“Dude I’m standing right here, are you blind?” George growled. 

“Oh, I thought you were her brother or something. Give me a call.” he said turning to you. You noticed he wrote his number on the side of your cup and felt George stiffen next to you. You knew he was close to flipping and you didn’t want to cause a scene, so since you and him ordered the same drink, you took the other cup making him smile and the guy frown. Before you fully disappeared from the guy’s sight you kissed George’s cheek. When you got out of the café, you intertwined your fingers and gave his hand a squeeze. “Don’t be jealous, I prefer the ones that drink coffee, not make them.” 

“Good, because you’re not getting rid of me easily.”


You and Josh were having a lazy day, just cuddling and watching movies, while drowning in snacks and fast food. Halfway through a movie, you got a text from you childhood best friend, who lived far away from you. He had a fight with his girlfriend and was asking you for advice. He was more heartbroken than you thought, so you didn’t notice the time passing. Josh, however, did. At first he tried to ignore the fact that you’re in a heated conversation with someone instead of cuddling with him, but he was too curious and was able to steal a glance at your phone. He saw the name, a male name. He immeadiately stiffened and pulled you close to him. When it didn’t stop you from texting, he began running his hand up and down your arm. He grew quite frustrated by then, so he chose to use something more efficient; he began kissing your neck. It got you distracted, but you still didn’t put the phone down. 

“Okay, I’m done!” he spat. 


“All you do is texting some random guy instead of paying attention to me!” “Aw are you jealous?” 

“No, of course not.” 

“Oh really? Well then I’ll just keep texting him…” 

“No! Fine, I am jealous. Why are you texting him?” 

“Babe, he’s just a friend who needed advice on girls. There’s no reason to be jealous. Now…why did you stop kissing me?” 


You finally convinced JJ to go shopping with you. You were going to meet his parents for the first time and you wanted to make sure you made a good first impression. You were rummaging through the dresses when JJ spotted something across the shop. 

“I’ll be right back love.” you nodded and he walked away. You found two dresses that you liked, but couldn’t choose. 

“What’s the occasion?” a voice called from behind you. 

“Huh?” you turned around to see a boy standing behind you with a smile on his face. 

“Where do you want to go in those dresses?” 

“Oh…um I’m meeting my boyfriend’s parents for the first time.” 

“Hm…I think you should buy the blue one. The other one is too formal.” 

“Thank you.” you smiled, grateful for the advice. 

“Hey love, are you ready?” JJ came back and immeadiately stood close to you. “Who’s your friend?” he eyed the guy with a frown on his face. 

“I was just giving advice on the dresses. You’re a lucky guy.” he winked before he walked away. 

“I know!” JJ yelled after him. “I leave you alone for 2 minutes and some random guy’s already hitting on you.” 

“He was just helping me, relax. What do you think of this dress?” 

“I like it. Now let’s go before others spot you and turn into stylists.” you laughed and kissed him before you two walked to the check out desk to pay for the dress.


Jaymi and you were having breakfast, when Justin Bieber came on the radio. “Aw I love him so much. His voice is like sex and his hair is like sex and his abs are like…” 

“Let me guess, sex?” 

“Exactly! He’s soooo perfect. Like seriously how can someone be so perfect?” “I have no idea…” you were too busy fangirling over the Biebs to notice the pure jealousy and hurt in his voice. He stood up and put his plate away as you coninued talking. 

“Okay I got it, he’s perfection itself! Why don’t you go out with him then?” he mumbled the last part, but you could still hear it clearly. 

“Aw babe, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” 

“You didn’t hurt my feelings.” 

“Are you sure?” 

“Yeah, pff. It’s not like I’m jealous or something, what are you talking about?” “Of course you’re not.” you smiled standing up to him and giving him probably one of the most passionate kisses. 

“I’m sorry, I got carried away. I love you, you know that, right? Bieber can hide beside you…” 

“I know you only say that to make me feel better, but I appreciate it. I love you, too. Can I have one more kiss like the one before?”

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