Preference #50: There Have Been Rumors About Him With Other Girls.

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“I’m just fed up with this all!” 

“What do you expect me to do? It’s not like I’m the one asking for rumours to occur!” George and you were fighting, again. There were pictures and rumours about him and Ella, and you just couldn’t take it anymore. It’s either Ella, a fan, or some other hot female celebrity that was said to be seen with him in a rather equivocal situation. 

“I’d expect you to tell me there’s no one else but me instead of rolling your eyes!” 

“I used to say that (y/n)! I used to say that and still every time there’s a god damn word about me and some girl you flip!” 

“I’m sorry that I’m not that perfect as those girls are and feel insecure! Yes George, I do feel insecure about myself and I am afraid of loosing you.” you grabbed your purse, ready to leave with tears rolling down your cheeks, when his hand grabbed hold of you. His body pressed against yours, pushing your back against the cold door. Your breath hitched at the back of your throat as his face was inches away from yours. 

“I had no idea you felt like that.” he said, staring deeply into your eyes. 

“I thought you don’t trust me, that’s why I got angry every time. Please forgive me and believe me when I say you are perfect to me. P.E.R.F.E.C.T.” he kissed each part of your body between the letters and finally returned to your eyes. 

“You have no reason to feel insecure. I love you and only you, do you understand me? There’s no one else.”


You currently were sitting at a party, alone. You and Josh were invited to this super cool party, and at first you had the best time, but his fans somehow got in and attacked him. He didn’t want to be rude, so he went off to sign a few pictures and take new ones with them. You were understanding, but after almost an hour of him entertaining them and ditching you, you got bored. It hurt you to see them all laugh together. Josh seemed to be having a great time being surrounded by gorgeous girls, who would do anything for him. Feeling tears well up in your eyes as one of the girls put her hand on Josh’s arm and he didn’t seem to mind at all, you stood up and left. You were walking home when a car pullwd up next to you. 

“Where do you think you’re going?” Josh asked. 



“Why don’t you ask your fans?” 

“Come on, babe! You know I have to pay attention to them ,too.” 

“Yeah, I know. But recently it seems like you’re paying more attention to them, than to me.” 

“That’s not true!” 

“It is, Josh. You know rumours spread quickly online.” 

“You’re kidding, right? You can’t actually believe them!” 

“If you saw pictures of me with other guys and people around you would constantly tell you there’s more behind those pictures what would you think? You’d start to believe them eventually.” 

“Get in the car, (y/n).” 


“Come on! It’s late, cold, and you live like an hour away.” 

“I’d rather walk.” 

“(y/n) get in the damn car!” he yelled, making you stop in shock. He quickly got out of the car and grabbed your hand before you could’ve escaped. 

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you. Look, I’m sorry I left you alone at the party. I got caught up and I didn’t know how to get rid of them without sounding like a douche.” 

“Well you just did sound like one.” 

“Just listen to me! There’ll always be rumours for the both of us. You have to trust me like I trust you. I understand that it’s hard when you hear those things, but believe me there’s no one else. I love you, adore you. You know what I see when I look at those girls? Nothing. I only see you. Now get in the car, you’re too beautiful to be walking home alone at such a late hour.”


From the day Emma Watson said JJ was his new celebrity crush, fans from both side went crazy. ‘Jemma’ was everywhere; on twitter, on tumblr, sugarscape, everywhere. You were somewhat okay with it until one specific day, when JJ and Emma were going to attend the same event, again. You were sitting on the bed reading, when JJ came into the room. 

“Love could you help me with my tie?” 

“Nope, sorry I’m busy.” 

“Really?” he questioned with sarcasm in his voice. “Okay, I give up! You’ve been acting cold and distant for days. Would you tell me what’s wrong? Did I do something?” you just huffed, not wanting to tell him the obvious. 

“Are you having those days?” 

“Just because a girl is in a bad mood it doesn’t mean she’s on her period!” you snapped. 

“Then what’s gotten into you?” 

“Oh why don’t you ask ‘Jemma’?” 


“Don’t ‘darling’ me!” 

“You know it only exists in fans’ mind.” 

“Yeah I thought the same at first…but you’re gonna meet her again, and I…” “You think I’m cheating on you?” 

“No…well…no…I’m just…” 

“You know I can’t avoid every girl the fans ship me with.” 

“I know. I just wish they wanted you to be happy with me.” 

“I am happy with you. And they know that. I’ll clear things up, I promise. I’ll try to end this whole ‘Jemma’ thing. And I already know what to start with.” he grabbed his phone and took a photo of you two. He tweeted it with the caption: ‘Ditching the party to be with my girl:) #happytimes’ 

“Thank you.” you smiled and kissed him. 

“Anything for you gorgeous.”


There was another photoshopped picture of Jaymi kissing someone that wasn’t you. He’d been tweeting about how much he loves you and how happy he was with you, but the fans didn’t like you at all. They kept shipping him with other people, making up rumours and fake pictures. It bothered him too, but you knew he had to be nice to his fans. 

“Maybe we should just end this.” 


“I mean…I love you Jaymi, and I know you love me too. I know you’d never cheat and that it’s all fake. I trust you, but it’s too much. The hate, the rumours, this all. This is not what I want and I know it’s hurting you too, so why pushing it?” 

“Why pushing it?! Because I freaking love you (y/n)! You can’t just let these people ruin what we have! I won’t let them. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you. I’ll fight for both of us. Please…don’t leave me. It won’t solve anything. I’d rather live with these rumours than without you.” he pulled you onto his lap and rocked you back and forth as you both cried. 

“I’ll fight for us! Just stay with me.” 

“I won’t let them ruin us. Thank you for staying strong for me.”

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