Preference #26: Bad Boy - Part 2.

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You’re sitting in front of your TV with a packet of crisps in your lap in sweat pants and with your hair in a pony tail. There’s no way you’re going to get yourself worked up on that date thing. You don’t even want that. Well, that’s a bit of a lie. Having him trying for long months flatters you, but the fact that despite his so called obsession with you he’s still going on dates, or why not say the truth: having one night stands makes you cringe. What kind of a boyfriend could he be based on what you hear about him every day? The clock strikes eight, when your doorbell rings. At first, you freeze. It can’t be him. It must be a coincidence- you say to yourself. You stand up and slowly make your way to the front door and open it. What you see in front of yourself makes you blush, big time. There’s George, standing with a bouquet of roses, wearing a suit and holding a big package in his free hand. He smiles as he takes in your appearance and steps inside your house without asking for permission, his arm brushes against yours as he passes you. “I must say, I’m not surprised. I didn’t think you’d take me seriously. But here I am, at eight o’ clock just as I promised. Here, take this, we’ve got to be at the restaurant in half an hour so hurry up.” You’re speechless as he puts the package into your hand with that smile still visible on his face. This smile’s different from the one you’re used to. It brings out his cheekbones and puts a little twinkle into his eyes. He looks cute…handsome. A sigh leaves his lips as you’re still standing in front of him, his arms fly up to your shoulders to turn you around and push you into your bedroom. “I said hurry up! It’s rude to be late!” He closes the door behind you, but you don’t move. Rude? Since when does he care about what’s rude and not? And what’s in that package? You put it on top of your bed and open it. Inside, there’s a stunning light-pink dress that makes your lips part in surprise. Did he actually buy you a dress to wear to a date that you made very clear you don’t want to go to? “Twenty minutes!” You shake your head and decide to play along. But you won’t let him charm you, that’s for sure! You put the dress on, apply some makeup and let your hair out of the pony tail, before you put your heels on and grab your jacket. He smiles a yet again different smile when his eyes meet your frame and reaches for your hand to make you twirl for him. “You look beautiful. Do you like the dress?” “I love it. But don’t even think for a second that you can buy me!” You warn him and pull your hand away. “But thank you.” “Shall we?” he asks as he lifts his arm up for you to twist yours around it. You roll your eyes and walk out with him following you. He’s a gentleman all night, always complimenting you on something, making you laugh, pulling the chair out for you and paying attention when you talk; something you did not expect. After dinner, you decide to take a walk in the chilly night. He’s telling you about his plans for the future, making you doubt the picture you had about him. “Let me interrupt you for a moment and ask a question. The rumours…about you and all those girls. Are they true?” You stop, looking at him with curiosity in your eyes. He cracks that ‘school-smile’ of his and answers: “Well all those girls can’t resist me, can they? I bet they’re really jealous of you right now. How does it feel being the one they envy?” He says it all with that tone you hate and you feel yourself get angry already. “Why do you have to act like that? Just when I thought you’re actually a nice guy, you turn into this…uh forget it.” You retort and begin walking away, when his hand stops you. “Wait! I’m sorry…I…I just want to impress you. And I don’t exactly know how, because apparently you’re different than the other girls in school.” You can’t help but smile at his words. “Just be yourself.” Maybe he’s not a lost case after all…


The only thing shocking you more than his arrogant behaviour is the fact that he -without any further inquiries- suddenly grabs the back of your neck and smashes his lips against yours. He’s a hell of a good kisser but who does he think he is? “Excuse-me!” you exclaim. “You can’t just go around kissing people!” “I’m not doing that. I only kiss hot women.” he winks and leans forward, only to have you pull back. “Oh come on, you know you’ve enjoyed it.” “Well what if I say I’m here with someone?” “You’re not. I’ve been watching you. Just like you’ve been watching me. Why don’t we just cut the crap and dance?” “Dance. No kissing.” “You say that now…” he mumbles, not meaning for you to hear so you ignore it. As you reach a free spot on the dancefloor, he turns you around and slams his hips into your bum, grinding against you to the rythm of the music. As you let yourself ease up, you close your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck, your back still pressed to his front. The next thing you feel is a pair of hot, wet lips on the slightly sweaty skin of your neck. He works his lips on you, often leaving open-mouthed kisses to sooth the skin he’s been sucking on. It doesn’t take long for him to get you to bite down on your lip, enjoying his little game. You know what he wants, and frankly, he was pretty damn convincing. “Why don’t we take off already?” he asks, getting impatient. He’s not used to girls saying no to him and it fills you with satisfaction. You’re not going to be an easy one. “No. I’m thirsty. Get me something to drink?” He stops for a moment, surprised by the authority in your voice, but takes off to get you one. He enjoys having to chase his prey. And why not test him a little?- you think as you see another guy eyeing you. You make your way over to him and begin dancing. It doesn’t take more than a couple of minutes to feel the guy’s hands disappear. “She’s with me.” With your drink in his hand he begins pulling you away, towards the restrooms. The corridor there is nearly empty, and he takes that as an opportunity. He smashes your back against the wall and presses his slightly swollen lips against yours. “So you like playing games, huh?” He’s even hotter when he’s angry. “Maybe.”  ”Let’s play my game then. Rule number one: you’re mine for the night.” “Hmm what if I don’t like the rules?” “Rule number two: I’m in control.” “I definitely dislike the rules.” “That’s too bad.” He says without any sympathy in his voice. His lips find their way back to yours as his hands creep up to the hem of your dress. “How about my rules for a change?” You ask as you push him off you. “You’re going to be a good boy for the night. Starting with telling me your name.” “I’m not playing any other games.” “That’s too bad. Follow me if you change your mind.” You say as you begin making your way out the club, heading home with the tamed bad boy following you.

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