Preference #70: He Does Your Make-up.

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George- The boys were in the studio when you got a phonecall from George. You were lying on the couch in your onesie, not planning on doing anything for the next couple of days. “Hey (y/n), do you want to go out for dinner tonight?” he asked. “I thought you were at the studio, and wouldn’t be coming home until the early hours of the morning?” you said. “I’m sure the boys won’t mind.” said George, giggling down the phone making you feel all happy inside. You missed him, you missed spending time with him. He had been so busy with the boys recently. When George finally got home from work, it was about 8.30pm. You were wearing a purple dress, short at the front yet long at the back. Grabbing your make-up bag, you went over to the mirror. “What are you doing?” asked George. “My make-up, you idiot.” you laughed. “No..why are you putting it on?” he said, his facial expression turning sad. “Because I need it. Have you seen me?” you laughed. George walked over to you and took them all out of your hands. “No. You’re beautiful the way you are. You don’t need this.” he said, crossing his arms. George reminded you of a stubborn child. “Yes I do, George!” you said. “Fine, just a little of this thing..” He took a pink lipstick from the make-up bag and started applying it to your lips. You giggled as he quietly swore under his breath each time he messed it up. “Done.” said George, standing up tall lifting his head up as his shoulders dropped. You looked in the mirror and burst into laughter..that was the last time George did your make-up.

Josh- Josh had set up a Twitcam whilst you were in the shower. When you came out, you saw him lying on your bed with his onesie on with his laptop on his knees. “Say hello to my beautiful girlfriend, (y/n) everybody.” he said. You picked up a pillow and aimed it at his head. “That’s not nice.” said Josh, pulling a sad face. You just laughed and went into the bathroom to get changed into your onesie that matched Josh’s. When you came out, you took the towel off your head and sat down next to Josh. You smiled and waved at the camera when all the cute tweets came in. ‘You two are so cute together’, ‘You are my OTP!’, ‘Do the Boyfriend Does My Make-Up challenge!’ Josh lifted his arm up from around you and pointed to the tweet about the make-up challenge. “What is that?” he whispered to you. “It’s where you put my make-up on for me and I can’t tell you what to do.” you laughed. “ you want to try it?” Josh asked, biting his lip. “I don’t mind! Just don’t get it on my clothes or I will kill you!” you laughed, looking into Josh’s eyes. He smiled and kissed your cheek gently. “We’re gonna try this make-up boyfriendy thingy.” said Josh to the twitcam viewers. You got your make-up bag and started the challenge. “ don’t get this.” Josh said pulling out all sorts of make-up. He picked up a small tube with a beige coloured liquid. “Foundation?” he asked. You nodded at him and laughed. He started to rub in the foundation onto your face, some bits darker than others. You both laughed the whole way through. “Is this stuff for your eyes?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “No, Josh. That is lipstick.” you giggled. “Oh..” he whispered. At the end, Josh ended up making you look like a clown. But he couldn’t do this and not take a picture. He took a picture of the two of you pulling faces and tweeted it. ’Me and my beautiful clown of a girlfriend! Lol Josh x’ 

JJ- “ do I actually put this on?” JJ asked, his eyebrows going in all directions. He held the black tube of mascara in his hand. “You apply it to my eyelashes, to make them bigger.” you sighed. It was the third time you had told him yet he still didn’t understand. Yes, he was the oldest. Yes, he wasn’t the smartest. “But..but how?” he looked like a lost puppy. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. “JJ, it’s a challenge, I can’t tell you.” you laughed. “Fine then. Guess I’ll just have to make you..” he smirked. “Don’t you even think abou-” you started but you were cut off by JJ tickling you. “’…this..” you said between giggles. “Tell me!” JJ laughed, lying on top of you. “How do I tell you? You just put it on the eyelashes! It’s simple!” you giggled. After 20 minutes of complaining and sighing, JJ finally managed to understand how to apply mascara. As you were looking up to the ceiling as he applied the last few strokes, JJ started laughing. “Why are you laughing?” you laughed with him. “Because it’s so simple.” he smiled. He kissed your lips softly. “I love you, (y/n).” he whispered. “I love you too, JJ.” you whispered back. He then turned around to face the camera. “And that’s the end of our challenge. Slightly difficult..but I think we both enjoyed it.” said JJ wrapping his arms around you. He held you closely then switched off the camera.

Jaymi- “You almost done?” you giggled. “Nah, babe, still got the eyeliner to go. Then I’ll be done.” Jaymi said, making the last adjustments to your eyelashes. Jaymi wasn’t messing around, he was taking this challenge seriously. He wanted to make you look good, to make you feel good and he always loved to see your reaction to things he done just for you. “Just..abouttt…..done.” he smiled, and picked up the mirror. You actually looked better than normal. “Thank you, Jaymi. But I think the idea of this challenge was to make me look like an idiot so it is funny.” you smiled. “Hm..why don’t you do mine as well?” he asked. “Shut up.” you laughed, hitting him on the shoulder. “No, no, I’m being serious. Make me look silly.” he laughed. “If you say so..” you grinned. You gave Jaymi bright green eyeshadow, false eyelashes, rosy cheeks and red lipstick. You couldn’t stop laughing that the mascara started running because of your tears. “(y/n), it’s not that funny.” said Jaymi, giving you a serious look. You stared at each other for a moment, then both burst into laughter. Jaymi’s mum took a picture of you two looking like idiots pulling funny faces. That photo was now your lockscreen on your phone so every time you looked at your phone it reminded you of your relationship with Jaymi. 

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