Preference #24: i'm Afraid..

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“I’m afraid to be myself.” He whispers bending his head to hide from your analyzing eyes. There’s a lump in his throat that he knows he couldn’t hold back if his eyes met your loving orbs. His heart skips a beat as your small hand finds his chin, lifting it up so you can attach your lips to his. And that’s enough for him…The passion, the love you kiss him with, your fingers that are tangled in his hair assure him. Assure him of your love towards who he really is. Just the way he is. And he’s no longer afraid.

“I’m afraid of what you can do to me.” He pants under you as your lips attack his bare skin. “You blow my mind away.” His eyes shut close and a sigh leaves his mouth, letting you do your thing. There’s a thought at the back of his mind, there’s a voice  telling him he starts to depend on you too much, but the way your lips capture his, the way your smooth skin caresses his, he can’t find the will to stop himself from falling.

“I’m afraid of rejection.” He says to Josh with his eyes strictly glued to you. He just watches you standing across the room, his lips curl into a smile as your laughter echoes in his ears; his favorite sound in the world. His eyes light up as they meet yours, taking in all your inner beauty, drinking it like an alcoholic. Because he’s addicted. He’s addicted to every bit of you he can get, but mainly to the blush that creeps up to your cheeks as you notice him staring. He sighs as you tear your eyes away from his, hating himself for being so afraid.

“I’m afraid of the cold.” He whispers in the middle of the night, not knowing you’re still awake. His warm arm that is wrapped tightly around your waist pulls your back just a bit closer to his chest, his head finds its way to the place between your neck and your shoulder and he just lays there for a minute. “I’m afraid of the morning, when you leave. I’m afraid one day you won’t come back and I’ll be cold without you.”

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