Preference #22: (George) He Makes You Feel Insecure - Part 2.

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It had been about 2 weeks since I left the flat that we use to share with George. And since than George wouldn’t stop calling me and texting me, I was really getting tired of it he just didn’t know where to stop. I was currently staying with my best friend until I found a place on my own and moved out. I had to go back to my old flat today to get the rest of my stuff. Josh was suppose to keep George busy while I took my stuff so that I didn’t have to see him.

His P.O.V

It’s been 2 weeks since [Y/N] left, and everyday has been hell for me. How did I say something that stupid to make her leave me. I’ve done everything I could think of to get her back but no such luck. I called her texted her left flowers at her doorstep but nothing worked. I knew how stubborn she is from when we used to date. I am having a hard time excepting the fact that she wasn’t mine anymore, that we weren’t together anymore. I can’t kiss her whenever I want or hug her or tickle her as much as I wanted, I wasn’t welcome to do any of those things anymore and that killed me. “Come on mate, you can’t mope around the house forever!” Josh said trying to get me out of the house and do something like a normal human being but I didn’t want to. “No..” I moaned out laying face down on the couch. “Come on! The other lads are waiting for us!” he said trying to lift me off the couch. “Why do you want me to go out so badly Josh?!” I said getting mad, then I realized that he had been like this the whole day looking at the watch on his arm begging me to get out of the house..”Why do you wan’t me to leave the house so badly? And why do you keep on looking at your watch?” I said to him raising my eyebrows. He gave me a nervous chuckle “No reason, you have just been moping around the house to much lately and I want you to go out and do something fun” he said rubbing the back of his neck. “Your lying” I said giving him a suspicious look. Just as I was about to say something else, I heard the door knob turning and the door opening and [Y/N] walking in. She looked up from her spot her eyes widening a little when she saw me standing int he living room. She looked at Josh her face getting angry. “You were suppose to get him out of the house!” she said looking at Josh. “Sorry I was trying!” he said putting his hands up in surrender. She let out a frustrated sigh turning around to walk out the door but I ran grabbing her wrist and stopping her. “We need to talk” I said looking at her. She gave me a look pulling her wrist out of my hand. “We have nothing to talk about” she said looking at me with no emotion on her face. “We we do! Would you just listen to me for like 1 minute!” I said getting frustrated at her stubborn attitude. “What is there to listen!?” she yelled standing in front of me. “I do NOT want to talk to you, period!” she said giving me a glare. “Alright fine then you leave me no choice.” I said giving her a smirk she was about to open her mouth but I didn’t let her as I bent down placing my arms behind her knees and throwing her on my shoulder she let out a surprised squeal grabbing on to my neck to steady herself. “George Shelly you put me down this instant!” she yelled hitting my back. “Sorry love no can do, until you listen to me” I said as I I asked Josh to give me my car  keys. He did as told as I grabbed the keys walking out the door to my car as Josh waved to us with a  chuckle. “I am sorry to do this [Y/N] but you leave me no choice”  I said placing her in the car closing the door as I quickly made it to the drivers side getting in and locking the doors so she couldn’t get out. “I am going to take you somewhere…just trust me..please?” I said in a pleading tone placing my hand on top of hers where it was laying on her lap as she mad no eye contact with me not even acknowledging me. “Alright then…” I said with a sigh starting the car and driving away. Hoping that when she saw the place we were heading to she would forgive me..

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