Chapter 1

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Lena's POV

I woke up to my mom standing in my room, she was drunk again. She has been drunk almost every day since her boyfriend left. She just needs to move on and understand that he is not coming back.

She started sobbing and said "I've never understood you. I never raised you this way. I took you to church and taught you right. Now you are just worthless garbage. You dress in all black to try to scare away your problems."

"Mom just calm down. You aren't being yourself. You're drunk and I've explained to you, I don't wear black to scare anything away. I wear it because I like it."

"Whatever. I know you worship the devil and you want to go to hell but really that's not what you want."

"Mom can you please just go away? I don't want you here. I just want to be left alone."

"Why? So you can complain to that boyfriend of yours about your 'problems'"

"Mom please, please just get out."

She refused to move so I just pushed her out of my room and locked the door. I grabbed my biggest bag and threw in as much clothes as I could as well as my iPod. I plugged in my headphones and Creatures by Motionless in White started playing.

I took my bag and hopped out of my window since it's on the first floor. I had no idea where I was going and I didn't have much money so I ran.

As I was walking down the street it felt like someone was following me. I turned around and I saw no one, I was all alone. I started talking to myself, "I guess I was just being paranoid but I can't go back there. I would rather be dragged straight into hell."

I then heard someone else say something. "Be careful what you wish for." Suddenly I felt something stab into my arm and I passed out.

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