Chapter 12

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Ana's POV

I woke up but I can barely remember what happened yesterday but I called Ricky my brother and he said that my name was Ilyana but that can not be true. It must have been a dream. Ricky is not my brother and my name is not Ilyana. Nothing made sense to me anymore. I have to leave here but for some reason I have a feeling that I belong here but I do not. I live on Earth not below it in hell. I also remember hearing something about me being a demon but I look down and I look perfectly human.

Ricky came into the room and slowly shut the door behind him. "Ana how are you feeling?"

"What? Ricky why are you calling me Ana? You know that my name is Lena."

"What are you talking about?"

"Ana... Lena is not your real name. Tell me what do you remember from yesterday."

What is he talking about? That. That was just a dream. There is no way that it was real. "Not much it is mostly blurred pictures and images."

"Okay but tell me what exactly do you remember?"

Maybe I should tell him but explain to him that it was just a dream but if it was just a dream, he might think that I am just a crazy psychopath. Oh well I guess I am already in Hell so it cannot get much worse from that.

"Well... Umm... I am not sure if this is what really happened, it felt more of like a dream but I called you my brother and..."

"And what Lena tell me. If you do not tell me I will not be able to help you."

"And I was a demon. I was turning into a demon with all my thoughts of my real past coming back."

"That was not a dream."

"So you are saying that that actually happened?"

"Yes Ana that was not a dream. You are my sister and you are a demon."

"I think I might need some time to process this."

"Ana it's fine. Take as much time as you need."

Ricky's POV

This is really odd, it seems like becoming a demon actually made Ana weaker. I should probably go and find Chris to tell him what exactly is going on. I guess I should probably check his room first. I went to his room and he was not there. I went downstairs and I finally found him playing hockey on his Xbox with Ghost.

"Hey Chris can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, Rick what's up?"

"It's about Ana."

"Who?" He cannot be serious. He should know her real name but I will give him a break since it has only been one day.

"Lena. My sister."

"Oh yeah. Sorry I am having trouble with her name change. So what about her?"

"She is having a bit a trouble remembering what happened yesterday and she seems much weaker than while she was human."

"That is quite odd but we should probably keep an eye out and watch her but I do not think that she is like Jessica."

"I know but I am still worried. I just got my sister back and I do not want to lose her again."

"I know Rick but she has more demon in her blood and we warned you about Jessica but I do not see anything wrong with Ana. So you do not have anything to worry about she will be just fine but she is still going to be on a 24 hour watch until she learns to control herself and her new abilities."

"I already knew that she would be put back on a watch to make sure she's okay with the transition and doesn't go crazy but if I remember correctly all of us it took at least one hundred years before we finally learned control."

"Oh yeah I completely forgot about that. Perhaps if one of us were to tutor her and teach her, she could learn even faster."

"It's worth a try. Maybe you should be the one to teach her since I already know that you talk her how to block out demons."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I know that you were the one that taught her how to do it. Don't worry I won't tell since no one knows that I did it too."

"Alright fine I did do it but she trusts you, you should do it."

"I don't know Chris. I think she needs to learn to trust all of us not just me. It's not my fault that my father went crazy and got a human pregnant and then she died after giving birth."

I saw Ana standing around the corner, why wasn't she in her room? I didn't know what to do since she ran off. I just let my mind take over and control my body. I darted towards her and cut her off.

"What do you want? Did you really mean what you said? Am I just some garbage because we had a crazy father?"

"No. Ana you were not meant to hear that. You needed to hear the whole conversation."

"Fine. What was the rest of the conversation?"

"I was saying that you need someone to teach you how to control your powers but it shouldn't be me because you need to trust the other guys but Chris said that it should be me since you trust me most but that was not my fault that we have the same father."

"Okay whatever. Why do I need to be locked in a room and treated like a prisoner?"

"Well at first it was to make sure that you didn't run off, which you manged to do anyways."

"Why am I still locked up?"

"Well we are still having it as an extra precaution to make sure that no harm occurs to either you or any of us. You should receive the privilege to go out eventually but you just need time to adjust."

"Fine whatever Rick I was just wondering. I'm going back upstairs."

Suddenly I felt a soft breeze and then a hand on my shoulder. I looked it was Chris. "It's going to be okay. She just needs some time to readjust to everything."

"I know but I hate seeing her like this and I don't want to lose her."

"We know Rick. I remember when I lost my sister. It was the worst pain I've ever felt and that was over two hundred years ago. We are trying our best and its fine. I'll teach her to control."

"Really?! It seemed like you were practically begging me to be the one to teach her."

"Yeah It's fine, I really don't mind I should probably get Angelo to teach her to change between forms though. I had trouble with that and even now I can barely explain it."

"Yeah I remember. I think I should probably go check on her."

"Yeah and Balz is on the first watch since he doesn't have anything to do at the studio tonight."

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