Chapter 16

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Ghost's POV

I just got off the phone with Josh, I could not believe how dumb he was. What would he have done if he killed her? I want Angelo back just as much as he did, Chris replaced him with some guy that goes by Trap Demon. I can not stand him and he is not even the type of demon we wanted, he is too busy trying to be human to focus on being a demon but that is not the only reason that I want Chris dead. Chris killed my poor beloved Kylie because he claimed that she was dangerous and she distracted me from my music.

While Chris and Ricky were working on finishing up some lyrics I went over to the corner of the room where Ryan was sitting down messing with his guitar. "Um Ryan can I tell you something?"

"Yeah man what's up?"

What should I even tell him 'Josh fell asleep and Ana was attacked by a vampire.' No that won't work especially if Josh fed how he usually feeds. I don't know, I will just need to think. "Um well Josh fell asleep and while he was sleeping some vampires snuck in and attacked Ana."

"What?! Did you tell Chris or at least Rick?"

"No I didn't think that an all out vampire demon war would be appropriate right now. Ricky and Chris need to focus but they can't if they are worried about Ana."

"I guess it makes sense but come on Devin you need to at least tell Rick, she's his sister."

"I know I'll tell him on the way home."

"Why the longer you wait the more hurt and mad he will be about it."

"Fine I'll tell him while Chris is recording the vocals." Then, I heard my phone buzz and I looked down, it was a text from Josh.

"Hey what did you tell them"

"I just told Ryan I said that you fell asleep and while you were asleep some vampires snuck in and attacked Ana"

"What Devin you idiot I don't sleep"

"Oh oops my bad but they don't know that"

"Whatever please tell me that they at least bought it"

"Yeah but Ryan said he was going to tell Ricky"

"What Just keep an eye on them"

"Ok I was planning on doing that anyways but I stepped in and said that I would tell him and I might be able to get him on our side too Chris did kill Allie after all"

"Fine just don't tell him I attacked Ana"

"I'm not an idiot"

Ryan's POV

What?! I was still completely lost, how exactly did a group of vampires sneak into the house? I have also never seen Josh sleep, not once in over two hundred years. It was not adding up but Rick still needed to know that something is up. Hopefully Devin goes through with it.

Ghost's POV

I waited around until Chris went in to record. "Hey Rick there's something you need to know."

"Ryan what is it?"

"Well its..."

"Is it Ana?"

"Yeah she was attacked."

"What do you mean she was attacked? I thought Balz was watching her."

"He was but he fell asleep and when he was sleeping vampires came in and attacked her."

"I need to go home right now and make sure she's okay."

"I've been talking to Josh, she's fine."

"No she's not, something is not right. I need to go see her right now."

"Fine I'll take you to see her just don't tell Chris." I know Josh is going to kill me but I know Ricky and he won't stop until he gets what he wants.

"Why not?"

"Well do you really want him to overreact and start a full out war?"

"Well it depends on how bad Ana is hurt and I thought Chris could read your thoughts."

"Well he could but I'm tired of being his bitch so I shut him out of my thoughts."

"But I thought demons couldn't shut out higher powered demons."

"I had a little friend that owed me a favor."

"Devin don't tell me you got a witch to do it. You know what will happen if Chris catches you."

"I know but he'll never know, it just blocks what I don't want him to hear so he can still hear my thoughts but I have control over what he hears."

"Still though Devin you just gave yourself a death sentence."

"It's fine I'm happier dead than being pushed around. Anyways do you want to go see Ana or not?"

"Yeah but I'm serious, don't get caught. We need you in the band. Who did you go to anyways?"

"Well you know Josh's girlfriend, Ryan-Ashley right?"

"Yeah what about her?"

"Well she has a half-sister named Abigail and she's a half witch. She's pretty powerful for her age, I was actually quite shocked."

"Do you think you could hook me up? I'm tired of Chris thinking he could snoop around in my head whenever he wants just because he's more powerful."

"Well you would probably need to talk to Balz about that but I can try to contact her. Aren't you worried about your death sentence?"

"No not really, now take me to see my sister before I punch you in the face."

"Fine you don't have to be so aggressive."

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