Chapter 5

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Lena's POV

What the hell was I thinking I just told Chris that I loved him, I hope he didn't hear me. It just didn't make any sense, I was always more into Ghost and never even thought of Chris that way, he didn't even seem like my type. He didn't come back and say anything so either he is acting like he didn't hear me or he just didn't hear me. I hope it was that he just didn't hear me.

~Time skip~

I heard what I'm guessing was the front door open and footsteps going towards where I was. I looked towards the door and it was Balz.

"Hey Lena?"

"What is it Balz?"

"Um Chris wanted to know if you wanted anything."

"Well I actually am starting to get kind of hungry."

"Okay I guess I'll be back then."

When Balz came back, he had a sandwich and a soda. "Here take this. Don't worry it's not poisoned or anything like that."

"Are you sure it isn't poisoned?"

"Yeah, Isn't it obvious that they want you alive."

I got up and clumsy me, I ended up tripping over my feet and scraping my knee. Then I noticed Balz' eyes started glowing. "Balz what's wrong?"

"Nothing just take your damn food."

"Alright fine." What the hell was his problem? I sat in silence and ate my food until Chris came in.

"Did Balz give you your food?"

"Yeah he did. What was his problem?"

"What do you mean Lena? He was acting perfectly fine."

"Yeah he was but then I fell and cut my knee, then he started acting like a complete ass."

"I honestly never understood him, demons are supposed to enjoy torture and seeing people in pain but he has a problem with blood ever since we met him."

"Oh could that be because he ..."

"Because he what?"

"It's nothing. You do have a good point though. Demons enjoy torture and blood comes with torture but he doesn't like blood, so how does he torture them?"

"Balz has his ways. He doesn't explain it to us but demons need to torture to survive so he has to do it some how."

"I guess so. I know you are probably tired of me asking but when can you teach me?"

"It's fine. I can teach you now."


"Yeah I told you I would."

"I wasn't sure if you were serious."

"Yeah I was serious, I told you I just needed some time."

"Yeah I know but what do I need to do?"

"Do what you did earlier, think of a strong memory that stands out from the other's and concentrate on it while blocking out other thoughts. Concentrate on it until you see either an open door or an open window. Do you see either of those?"

"No I don't see anything."

"Lena concentrate harder. If you really want this, you have to focus." I concentrated hard on a memory, it ended up being before mom's boyfriend left, we spent the day in the park. That was one of our only times that we were an actual family.

"Lena come on, I know that you can do it."

"Okay Chris I'm trying."

"Well try harder."

"I am." I focused harder and harder on it until all other thoughts were gone. Then I found it, I found the door. "Chris did it work?"

"Yes Lena. I don't here are single thing in your head."

"Okay so Chris, now can you tell me why I was 'chosen'?"

"Well that's kind of hard to explain. You will need to wait until your sixteenth birthday."

"Come on Chris, you said you would tell me."

"I know but that was partially a lie. There are two reasons why you are here but I can't explain one without the other and Ricky should be the one to tell you not me."

"Why does it have to be Ricky?"

"It isn't my place to say."

"Come on you can tell me, a few weeks is too long to find out."

"Well you will just need to wait, I'm sorry Lena."

"Okay fine whatever. Can I just be alone then?"

"Okay fine. I'll send in one of the guys later to check on you."

After Chris left, I opened the soda and started to drink it. I would have preferred to have water but whatever.

Chris' POV

Once we got back from recording I decided that I should go check on Lena and make sure she's okay but I was busy at the moment, so I sent Balz to go check on her. When he came back he said "Lena said she's starting to get hungry."

"Well then get her something to eat."

Balz grabbed some bread from the drawer as well as some meat and a coke from the fridge and made Lena a sandwich.

When he came back though he was acting wierd, he seemed really annoyed and pissed off but I didn't get the chance to ask him because as soon as he came out of the hallway, he went to his room. I guess I'll have to find out from Lena. I waited a few minutes after Balz left until I went into Lena's room. When I got in there, Lena was still eating her sandwich.

Before I could say anything she already asked me what was wrong with Balz and then I recognized that smell, the smell of blood. So that was his problem, Balz has never been able to control himself around blood.

Then she brought up me teaching her again so I figured I might as well teach her now. I told her to concentrate hard on a single memory and forget about everything else and then find a door or window and shut it. I could still hear all her pain and confusion. Come on Lena, I know you can do it.

Suddenly her mind went dead. It was silent but now what do I tell her? I couldn't tell her the truth she would think I was crazy but I'm not even supposed to tell her, that's supposed to Ricky's job. I'll just tell her I can't tell her.

After leaving Lena's room, the guys were playing Call Of Duty again. I left the house and went to go get something to eat and go for a walk. I couldn't believe she ended up talking me into it, if the guys find out I am definitely going to be thrown into the pit and burn for the rest if my immortal life.

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