Chapter 3

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Lena's POV

I woke up and I was still in the same room as I was earlier. I was still sure that this was a dream. It's just too crazy too be real. My favorite band kidnapped me, took me away from my home, and worse of all they are demons and dragged me down to hell because I was 'chosen' . I must be going crazy. There was no such thing as demons. My mom must have gotten into my head and gave me all of these crazy thoughts.

Then Chris walked in. "Hey, sorry I was just checking on you. I understand this must be a lot of pressure and stress on you."

"No Chris I'm obviously okay and not under any stress at all."

"Okay but I know that's what you say but I know how you really feel. You want to know more. You want to know why? Why you? you think you are still dreaming but this is reality, this is your home now. Here in hell."

"Fine if that is what I really want then can you please answer them?"

"Just like Ricky told you, you will find out eventually. I'm sorry Lena, you have no idea how badly I want you to know the truth but it just isn't the right time yet."

"Chris if you want to tell me so badly please tell me. Get it off your chest and don't let the other's know."

"Lena I'm sorry I can't and you don't know how to hide your thoughts from demons. It just isn't safe. We know everything about you and how your mind works. If you do learn how you have to still have some thoughts and not block out everything or they will get suspicious."

"Chris I promise I won't block out everything. Please teach me how, I want to know the truth."

"I don't know Lena. I still think you should wait."

"Please Chris I'm begging you. I want to know why? Why me? I will do whatever you want."

"Fine I will teach you, just not now but I will teach you soon."

"Thank you Chris. If you aren't teaching me now, when are you going to teach me how to?"

"I will teach you later today. I haven't taught anyone how to block out demons in at least 10 years. For now just try to keep your mind empty of thought."

"Okay I will try to."

Chris' POV

I heard Lena's thoughts, she was all over the place. She was lost, confused, scared, anxious, as well as a bit excited and worried. I wanted to help her, I did not want to see her like this. I want to tell her the truth, give her answers. I decided to go into her room to check on her.

"Hey sorry I'm just checking on you. I understand you must be under a lot of pressure." It sounded dumb and kind of obvious but it was the truth.

She said that she was okay but I could tell that she was lying. Then she started begging me to tell her the truth and every time she asked, the urge to tell her got stronger. So I made up some excuse to why I couldn't tell which was partially true. I told her that she can be taught how to block out demons but the truth is you just need to think of a strong memory, that she has a strong connection to but then she could manipulate and control us. So this has been forbidden to teach to humans ever again because of the incident with Jessica.

She kept begging me after that to teach her so I lied again and told her I need to practice and remember how. The truth was I remembered exactly how to do it and I could have taught her right there but she was different than other humans, so I told her I would teach her later. I won't tell her that she can control us but if the guys find out I'm screwed. I would probably be thrown into the pit and burn for eternity, just like the others that broke the rules.

I walked out of Lena's room and Balz came over to me. "What's going on with Lena?"

"She's still the same. I wish we knew how to help her."

"Maybe I could help her?"

"No I don't think you should."

"Why not?" Dang it now I have to lie to one of my best friends. Wait? What? Why I am so worried about lying, lying should just come naturally to a demon but for some reason I am struggling to even say the simplest lie?

"Lena went back to sleep, I think I woke her up when I checked on her."

"Okay whatever, I'll leave her alone."

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