Chapter 4

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Balz's POV

I went to go see Lena but I saw Chris coming out of her room. I needed to come up with some excuse to what I was doing.

"Hey Chris what's going on with Lena?"

"She's still basically the same."

"Maybe I could help her out."

"No you can't." What did he mean by that I'm just as helpful as him.

"Why not?"

"She's sleeping, I think I woke her up when I checked on her."

"Okay whatever.  I'll leave her alone." Honestly I didn't care what Chris said, he isn't in charge of me.

I waited for Chris to disappear, once he was gone I took the chance and went into Lena's room.

"Balz what do you want?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to come talk to you."

"About what?"

"That stuff Chris told you about the rest of us, that we could not be trusted but the truth is Chris can't be trusted. He gets out of control and completely blacks out, forgetting that he ever did anything."

"What?! That can't be true?"

"I'm sorry Lena but it is and since he has no recollection of him doing it, he will have no idea what you are talking about."

"Fine if it is true I will just have to deal with it but I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"Your eyes when I first got here, everyone's eyes were black but for some reason yours glowed red. Why were yours a different color?"

"Oh that's just because I was a different species of demon but don't tell anyone, the guys think I'm the same species as them." This was obviously a lie, I wasn't the same as the other's but being another species of demon isn't it.

"Why? Why can't they know?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions. They can't know because there is a battle going on between different demons to see who deserves the top of the food chain. Black eyed demons are currently at the top and red eyed demons, like me are at the bottom. So if the guys found out, I could be kicked out of the band."

"Okay I didn't realize it was that serious, I won't tell because I don't want to cause the end of Motionless in White. If I did all of your fans would want me dead and I would end up back here forever."

"Yeah I don't think Chris would be happy if your soul got locked up here forever. Lena I have to go, we're supposed to work on recording some."

"Okay bye and thanks for the heads up about Chris."

"It wasn't that big of a deal. I just have been around him long enough to know how he is."

I  opened the door and started walking towards the living room and saw the rest of them. Ryan and Ricky were playing Call Of Duty while Chris and Ghost watched them. I guess Chris noticed that I was there because he started walking towards me.

"Hey Balz where were you? I looked all over the house to find you."

"You must have not looked that well then. I was in my room the whole time."

"Okay but are you sure that you weren't with Lena?"

"After you directly told me not to. Why would I disobey and do exactly what you told me not to do?"

Lifelong Struggles - A Motionless In White FanficWhere stories live. Discover now