Chapter 9

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Ghost's POV

I stepped outside the door and I hurried up and found who I was looking for.

The phone rang until the other line was finally answered. "Hey Rick you need to come back."

"Why? Devin what the hell is wrong?"

"It's Lena."

"What is wrong with Lena?"

"Well umm she's turning earlier than we expected. She will need you or Chris here to explain to her what is going on with her." Rick hung up the phone and I guess he tried to get back here as soon as he could because he was back in just a few minutes. He rushed down the hall and barged into Lena's room.

Ricky's POV

I looked down at my phone, Ghost was calling me. What could he possibly have done wrong, all he was doing was babysitting a teenager? Once he explained to me what was going on, I hung up the phone and explained everything to Chris. He told me that I could go and it was my job to help her through this. As soon as I got permission to leave I ran as fast as I could and even switched forms so I was faster. If this was one of Ghost's sick jokes he will be dead and we'll need to find a new bassist.

When I got there I heard her, she was screaming and yelling. I'm glad that this didn't happen when we were in the human world because the neighbors would get curious and the police would come. Since we are in hell screams of pain and torture are normal. I hurried into the house and upstairs to where Lena was, she was lying on the floor next to her bed, screaming as horns and wings slowly pushed through her flesh.

I remember the last time I saw someone turn, it was worse than this time. It was a few years back when I was still with Jessica. I knew that Jessica was not full human so I took her to hell and showed her where she really belonged. While Jessica was turning she was much weaker than Lena is so she lost control. While she was still human Chris warned me that something was off about her but I didn't listen, instead I taught her how to block out demons from her thoughts but she learned that with that ability she was able to control us and do whatever she wanted with us. She turned all of us into her slaves and never felt guilty about it. We knew that when she turned that she would loose that ability but gain all the powers of a full-blooded demon. So the say she turned we had to kill her and Chris fed her body to the hell hounds so that there was no chance for her resurrection since demons don't die and come back. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen again to Lena.

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