Chapter 6

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Chris' POV

Once I got back, it was about an hour later and Ricky and Ryan were still playing Call Of Duty. Since Ghost was just watching them play and I had no idea where Balz was, I told Ghost to go check up on Lena and make sure she was still okay.

Ghost's POV

Chris asked me "Hey Ghost do you think you could go check on Lena?", why couldn't he get one of the other guys to do it or he could do it himself? Ryan and Ricky were just playing Call of Duty and they played the whole time that Chris was gone and Balz is probably off in his room doing nothing.

"Ghost be careful remember I can hear every thought in your head."

"Sorry. Why can't you though?"

"I think Lena is mad at me now."

"Aww what did Chris do to poor little Lena?"

"Nothing it's a long story. Can you just go check on her?"

"Fine." I left the living room and walked down the hallway, then I knocked on her door. I didn't want to be rude and barge in on her. I listened to see if I heard anything. That's odd I was unable to hear anything going on in her head. So either she's gone or somebody has been bad and broke the rules.

She answered when I knocked the door so someone had broke the rules but I do not want tot be the one to tell and get someone pissed off.

"Hey Lena."

"Hi Ghost. Let me guess Chris sent you here to check on me."

"Umm... Actually yeah. Chris wanted me to make sure you were still okay."

"Yeah I'm fine. Why's he worry about me so much?"

"Uhhhhhhh..... I don't know"

"Ghost are you sure that you aren't trying to hide something?"

"Yeahhh... Yeah I have absolutely nothing to hide." I want to tell her the truth but if I tell her the truth, Ricky would want me dead and it just wouldn't be Motionless in White if there was no Ghost.

"Okay but please, please Ghost if you know anything tell me. I need to know why? Why was I chosen?"

"I'm sorry but just like Chris told you I can't tell you. If you want to know so bad bug Ricky, he's the one that's supposed to tell you." I was getting up to leave when she grabbed me by my shirt.

"Ghost wait, can I ask you something first?"

"Okay Lena what is it?"

"Is there a war going on between different species of demon?"

"No, there isn't even different species of demon. Where did you get that idea from?"

"Oh umm nothing I just heard someone talking about it."

"Who? Don't worry I won't tell if you say."

"I'm not exactly sure who it was, I just heard them talking about it in the hallway."

Lena's POV

I heard a knock on the door. That was kind of odd, they usually just come in. I just didn't say anything so they walked in. Ghost walked, "Hey Lena."

"Hi Ghost. Let me guess Chris sent you."

"Umm. Actually he did."

"Why does Chris worry about me so much?" Did I just say that out loud? I only meant to say that in my head.

Ghost answered anyways, " Uhhhhhhhhh... I don't know." That wasn't exactly the best answer, I know that they are hiding something from me. Something bigger than just being chosen but what is it?

"Ghost are you hiding something?"

"Yeahhh... Yeah I have absolutely nothing to hide." What is he thinking, sure he doesn't sound suspicious at all. You know what they say about the quiet ones. I told him that it was fine but if he knew anything, that he should tell me. I was practically down on my knees, begging him to tell me the truth. However, after that he brought up Ricky and that caught my attention, what does Ricky have to do with this? It's all revolving around Ricky.

He was about to get up and leave when I remembered that I wanted to ask him about what Balz had said so I panicked and grabbed his shirt. "Ghost wait, can I ask you something?"

Umm what was my question again, oh yeah I remember, "Is there a war going on between different species of demons?" He told me that there were no other demon species and he asked me where I got that idea from.

Ummm... Ummm. What am I supposed to say? I don't just want to throw Balz under the bus. "Umm... I just heard someone talking about it." It was a lousy excuse but Ghost was a little slow so hopefully he didn't catch on. He tried to get me to tell him but I just made up one lie after another but Ghost never caught on and he eventually left.

A week ago I would have dreamed of being taken away from my struggles by Motionless in White but now I just want to get out of here and go back. Run away and get out of hell. Away from this crazy band and go back home to my real family. I opened the window and saw the outside of the house and what hell looked like, it wasn't like the books and movies with lava and fire everywhere. Hell looked exactly like Earth just no people instead it was either demons or demons in human form. I ran, I had no idea where I was going but I wanted to be anywhere but there with them.

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