Chapter 11

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Ricky's POV

What?! She remembered everything. I knew that she would eventually remember but I did not expect it to be right away but Lena is the first demon that I know that had their memories of hell and demons so we really had no idea what to expect.

Lena's POV

"Ilyana is it really you?" Seriously I can play that game too. I forgot how annoying it was to have a sibling since I was taken away when I was only two.

"Yes Richard it is really me. I told you that I remembered."

"I know I was just making sure. It might just be hard to get out of the habit of calling you Lena especially for the other guys because they did not know you before so they started off calling you Lena from the start."

"Okay just never call me Ilyana again, you know that I hate it."

"Fine but never call me Richard again."

"Why? You started it."

"I know like I said I was making sure you were really you. You could have just remembered your name but not how  you felt towards it."

"Fine whatever but where is everyone else?"

"Well you know that Ghost is here but I believe that Chris is on his way back with Ryan and I guess Balz is playing with his hell hounds."

"Hell hounds?! I thought those were impossible to find and if you could find them, they were nearly impossible for demons to tame and domesticate."

"Well Balz is just Balz, just like with everything else he has his ways. He actually has two of them and they are named Toronto and Casper."

"He's crazy, one day both of them are going to tear him apart until you cannot tell what or who he is."

"I know Ana, I've told him multiple times and Chris told him that they cannot come in the house."

"But what if he does bring them in?"

"Chris will kill them."

"What?! He seemed crazy but not that crazy. Do you think he would actually do it?"

"Trust me, I know Chris better than almost anyone else here. He will do it."

"What?! And I'm supposed to be with him."

"Ana I have mixed feelings about it too but hopefully you will be able to calm him down."

"I guess Balz said the truth then..."

"What did Balz say?"

"Did I really say that out loud. I swore that I only said it in my head."

"Yeah so tell me Ilyana, what did Balz tell you?"

"But what if I don't want to."

"Then I'll force you to say it."

"No Richard, you called me Ilyana again so I'm not going to say anything." Suddenly I felt him hop on my back and put his arm around my neck. "Richard let go of me. I can't breathe."

"Ilyana your a demon, you don't need air. Now tell me what did Balz tell you."

"It's nothing just please let me go."

"Tell me first and then I'll let you go."

"No. GHOST HELP ME!" I hope that Ghost was actually able to help me because Ricky doesn't seem to care. I saw him come into the room. "Ghost please get him off of me."

Of course Ricky shouted at me and Ghost that he was never going to let go.

"No Lena it looks like he's having fun." So instead of helping me, Ghost hopped on my back with Ricky.

"Can you guys get off of me. This is really starting to hurt."

"No Lena this is actually fun and you will heal anyways."

"You don't know that, I'm still human. And stop calling me Lena, that's not my name."

"Then what is it?"

Of course then Ricky jumped in and said "It's Ilyana."

"Oh so that's your real name."

"No it's not don't listen to Richard."

"Okay what is it then?"

"Just call me Ana. I don't like anything else."

"Okay bye Ana. I have to go meet up with Kylie" Thank you now I just need to get Richard off my back.

"Come on Richard get off my back it hurts."


"Come on please Ricky."

"Well... if you put it that way no."

"Please I'll do anything."

"Okay tell me what Balz said."

"Fine he said that Chris has an anger problem and he will get out of control and completely black out what happened so he doesn't remember."

"There that wasn't that hard." He let go of me and I was finally able to breathe.

"You'll be okay. Even if you are not a pure blooded demon, your body will sense pain and try to fix it."

"I wouldn't need to worry if you weren't about to kill me."

"I think that probably wasn't best for me to do that you are still in shock from everything else that happened today."

"You think?! Isn't it kind of obvious. Yesterday I was a scared and confused human that was taken to hell with no idea why and today I'm a demon in hell with my brother and I'm supposed to be with a guy that I barely know."

"Yeah I'm sorry Ana. I was not thinking how this was for you but I was just messing around. I missed you. I missed seeing you grow up. Do you realize the last time I saw you was 14 years ago?"

"Yeah I know but is what Balz said true?"

"Well it is partly true. Chris has a bit of an anger problem but he remembers everything and he usually takes it out on humans."

"Does a demon have to torture to survive? I don't think I'll be able to do it."

"You might not, we don't know. Just rest and ask Chris about it later."

"Okay good night Ricky."

"Good night Ana."

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