Chapter 1

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Everything was loud. Scraping on metal and some kind of alarm filled Isabelle's ears. She opened her eyes wide in hopes of seeing something in the nearly dark place she was in. Noticing she was laying down, Isabelle pushed herself up and tried to stand. She felt around her but only found more metal. Was she in a metal box?

Suddenly, the box lurched upwards and Isabelle fell to the ground again. She groaned as her head hit the hard floor of the cage. But now...the cage was moving. It was ascending up and fast. Where was it taking her?

She stayed down this time and crawled her way around the cage. Maybe there was something she could use to get out. She could feel sealed boxes and something else that was soft.

She turned to the soft thing...clothes? She moved her hand upwards along the soft fabric until, to her horror, her hand was resting on someone's skin.

There was another person in here with her.

She immediately withdrew her hand but crawled closer.

"Hello?" She croaked. She got no response. Her hand found their shoulder and shook it. "Can you hear me?"

A scary thought came to her head. What if they were dead?

Another lurch from the box made her arm collapse underneath her and she fell on top of the person. She muttered under her breath as she tried to push herself back up again.

"What in the-" a voice groaned from under her. If anything motivated her to get off of them, it was this.

The person had an attractive British accent, and it sounded like a boy. Isabelle's cheeks burned in the dark.

"Where am I? Who are you? Why can't I see anything?" The guy began to panic and at these questions, Isabelle realized she had the same ones.

"I-I don't know. I just woke up and you were here...I thought you were dead." Isabelle internally groaned at her lack of people skills. She was making everything so much more awkward.

"So that's why you decided to take a nap on top of me?" The boy sounded confused but she knew he was joking. Or, at least she thought so.

"N-no I-" Before Isabelle could get the rest of her explanation out, the box blared anther obnoxious alarm.

Isabelle and the boy both looked to the top of the box. A cement wall seemed to be at the top. They were going to hit into it!

"Oh no..." Isabelle muttered.

"Hold on!" The boy yelled. Isabelle found a box to brace herself on and waited for the impact. At this speed, it could kill them.

But instead, the alarm shut off and a green light flickered on. She stared at the top of the box. It had stopped an inch away from the cement top.

Isabelle flinched back when the cement top opened in two pieces. They opened away from her, and light flooded in along with humid heat and excited chatters. She shielded her eyes until they adjusted. All she could see above her was teenage boys, laughing down at her.

One of them hopped inside the cage and she was afraid the impact might make it fall back down. It didn't. The boy who jumped down saw her first and yelled, "We have a girl!"

The rest of the teenagers were shut up at this statement. Then the boy turned to Isabelle's newest roommate.

"Wait, there's there's a boy too!"

Now conversations exploded above her. Suddenly more boys jumped in and grabbed Isabelle's arms, pulling her roughly out of the box.

She struggled against them and yelled, "Let go of me!"

Isabelle yanked her arms forward and broke the grip of the dark haired boy that was holding her. He shouted in surprise and she wasted no time in getting free. She could hear the wind rush past her ears as she ran and her heart beat faster. Not sure where she was going, Isabelle ran straight towards a tall gap in a wall. Wait, a wall?

The sight of a wall that wound all around her made her mouth gape. So distracted on the sight, she had slowed down and pounding feet were too close. A boys arms wrapped around her once again and she struggled violently to break free. It was no use.

"Slammer," a dark skinned boy said. The one holding Isabelle nodded and led her towards a type of holding cell. Isabelle groaned at the sight of another cage.

A younger, chubby boy with curly hair opened the door for the boy holding her. She was pushed inside and the door shut on her before she could make a move.

"Sorry Princess," the boy said. He was the one who held her and drug her across the field. He had dark hair, somehow perfectly done. He was Asian and carried a smirk on his mouth. Being called princess made Isabelle narrow her eyes at him.

She said nothing but crossed her arms over her chest and sat on the dirt floor. The dark haired boy eventually left after several attempts to get her to talk.

It wasn't much longer before the boy who she'd came up in the box with joined her in the Slammer. He walked, almost willingly, into the cell they shared.

Isabelle remembered awkwardly falling on him in the box and her cheeks burned. She pulled her knees to her chest.

"Did you try running too?" she asked him.

He shakes his head. "Apparently I was asking too many questions."

It was quiet and Isabelle watched an ant crawl in front of her foot. She took a deep breath and sat up straight and glanced over at the boy.

Isabelle didn't have a chance to see what he looked like when he was in the box, so she took her opportunity now. He had blond hair that went halfway down his forehead, and brown eyes that Isabelle searched. Something about him tugged at Isabelle. Some familiarity. She shook off the feeling. She'd only just met him!

"Do you know your name?" Isabelle asked innocently.

"Do I look like someone who knows their name? I can't remember a bloody thing," he sighed deeply and rested his head on the wall behind him.

Isabelle looked down to her feet again, searching for the ant she'd seen before.

"Me either."

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