Chapter 28

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Isabelle sat in front of the touch screen desk and stared down at it with a blank expression. The blue and white lights reflected on her skin and created shadows across her cheeks.

"Do it." Ava put a hand on the back of her chair.

"I won't." Isabelle crossed her arms. "I won't hurt Thomas or anyone else."

"Do it," Ava demanded. Her hand curled into the chair and she let determination show on her face.

Ava flicked on the massive screens at the front of the room. Newt was at the middle of each, working as a Track-hoe. He tied vines to branches and the new boy, Thomas, ventured into the Deadheads. Ava pressed the circle gently, not all the way. Newt coughed once, then twice. He scratched at his throat and a worried look etched itself on his face.

"No," Isabelle whispered. She shook her head. "I can't. T-They're my friends."

Ava released the circle and sighed. "Fine then. I really didn't want to do this. Newt was a valuable subject. But you need to know I'm serious about this. I won't take no for an answer."

Ava took a step to the right and tapped a couple buttons until a big red one popped up. She looked up to the screen with Newt working before doing anything else.

Isabelle threw all of her body weight at Ava and shoved her violently to the ground. Isabelle fell with her and collided against the cold stone floor with a groan. Isabelle scrambled to get up before Ava could. If Ava got up first, she'd kill Newt without hesitation.

Isabelle wouldn't accept that for an answer.

Isabelle put as much force behind her throw as she had when fighting Gally. Her fist connected with Ava's soft jaw and then with her mouth.

"You have quite the history for punching people you don't like, don't you?" Ava wiped blood from her mouth.

Guards rushed in at the commotion and tore Isabelle off of Ava. Isabelle kicked and yelled at them and they only restrained her further.

Ava got to her feet and straightened her now wrinkled clothes out. The red button flashed behind her and mocked Isabelle. She had to do something. Anything. She couldn't let her just kill him. Ava turned around and her finger hovered over the button.

She pushed a white circle instead and the red one disappeared. Isabelle breathe out in relief until she realized nothing was close to over.

"It has become clear to me that you cannot be broken. Therefore, you're useless to me. I'll find someone else, I suppose." Ava shook her head in disappointment. "What a waste."

Ava gave a small nod to the guards holding her and they dragged Isabelle roughly out the automatic door. The last she saw of Ava was her form turning around to watch Newt on the touchscreen in front of her.

Isabelle was thrown onto metal operating table and strapped down. She pushed her shoulders up and yelled at the doctors to let her go. They ignored her. All except one.

A girl, around Isabelle's age, put on a pair of rubber gloves and her gaze flickered to Isabelle's and back. she had dark hair and dark eyes. Something about her was familiar.

"Use syringe one, formula five," a man with a mouth cover on said. "Should put her down pretty quickly."

"We're going to kill her?" The girl asked. Her eyes glinted with reluctance and the doctor nodded.

"Chancellors orders."

The girl grabbed the syringe and a vile filled with dark red liquid. The number five was printed on it. The girl looked to Isabelle and back. Isabelle gave her a hard look. If they were going to kill her, they should just get it over with.

The girl turned her back to the doctor. She picked up a clear vile marked with the number three and slipped number five in her pocket. She filled the syringe with number three after slipping two drops of another chemical into it to color it crimson. Isabelle threw a questioning look at her.

When the doctors back was turned, the girl leaned in close to Isabelle and whispered in her ear.

"My name is Teresa. I'm going to help you the best I can, but I need you to close your eyes and pretend to be dead once I insert this, okay?"

Teresa was standing back up within a second. Isabelle gave a slight nod which Teresa smiled at. She held out Isabelle's arm and made sure that the doctor saw her insert the needle. Once all the liquid was in her system, Isabelle waited a minute before letting her eyes drift shut.

"Time of death: 10:43 am," Teresa stated and pushed two fingers to the side of her neck. "She's gone. What do you want me to do with her?"

"Take her to be cremated," the doctor said simply and went back to whatever he was working on. Teresa started moving the operating table down the hall. She turned left and once she was sure she was out of sight, started running. It wasn't long before she came to a complete stop and Isabelle sat up.

"Get in the Box," Teresa said.

"I'm going back up?" Isabelle's breath caught in her throat.

"It's the only thing I can do."

Isabelle climbed into the box which was half full with supplies.

Teresa paused before pushing a black button that would send her back to the Glade. "I'm very sorry for the memory loss, again."

Isabelle's eyes went wide and Teresa slammed the button down.

The Box began to lift and Isabelle was in darkness.

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