Chapter 34

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"I'd kill you here," they thought out loud. "But the they'd know it was me."


Isabelle let out a short laugh. "I'm pretty shuckin sure they'll know it was you anyways."

Gally pressed the knife deeper and she winced. He opened the door slowly so it wouldn't creak and pushed Isabelle through. Most of her fear bled through to anger and she rolled her eyes. "And here I thought I had a real threat."

The knife dug deeper and another drop rolled down Isabelle's throat. She pressed her eyes shut tightly but kept walking when he pushed her. They got to where the other boys slept in their hammocks and Gally pushed his hand to her mouth.

"Say a word and I'll kill you right here," he sneered.

Isabelle trusted him to go through with it so she ground her teeth together and kept walking. They traveled to the other side of the Glade and to the farthest corner of the Deadheads.

"What do you really want, Gally?" Isabelle threw a hateful glare at him, though she could barely make out his features under the trees.

"The Gladers want to fight WICKED. And you're going to lead them?" Gally took the knife from her throat and held it in his hand firmly. "We can't leave here. This is our home. WICKED is good."

Isabelle ground her teeth again. "They're about as good as you are."

Gally took no notice she'd said anything. "So I have to stop you. From fighting WICKED and making us leave."

Isabelle grew tired of his speech. "Are you going to kill me yet? Better than listening to you wail all night."

Isabelle knew he wouldn't. Not with his reasoning cut short. Every maniac wanted their glory.

"I'm trying to save us! You're going to destroy us. Ever since you arrived everything has gone wrong. We were happy here!" Gally snickered. "Even your little boyfriend didn't want to live with you around."

Isabelle fumed. That was below the belt.

Isabelle made sure to grab his wrist with the knife before she lunged at him. She used her body weight and momentum to knock him over. He let go of the knife in surprise and Isabelle grabbed it instead. She pushed it to his throat this time and he looked hatefully up to her.

"You know you've come a long ways from having a crush on me," she laughed.

Gally said nothing. Instead he pushed up with his hands and threw her to the side. The knife was thrown somewhere in the leaves from the impact and then Gallys hands were around her throat. She used her elbow to hit the crook of his arm, making it weak.

Instead of putting his hand back to her throat, he curled it into a fist and punched her cheekbone, then her temple. Her vision split into two and her head snapped to the side. She stared at a twig close to her and tried to focus on it.

Once Gally was sure she was stunned, he lept towards the general direction of the knife and searched the leaves for it. Isabelle got to her knees and started to slowly crawl away, still struggling to see clearly. More warm blood ran down her cheek and she continued to the edge of the deadheads.

When she heard Gallys fast footsteps from behind her, she flipped around to her back and used her foot to kick him in the knee. Gally shouted out and fell to the ground with a sickly sound coming from his kneecap. He still held the knife.

Isabelle pushed herself up to her feet this time and Gally did too. He shoved her back and her head hit into the Maze wall. He hobbled over to her and his unstable leg made him stumble. The knife he was holding up to her slipped and then she was bleeding on her cheek and arm too.

She sucked in a deep breath at the pain and before she had time to react, Gally threw his fist at her face repeatedly before she went limp. At this point he was holding her up against the wall.

Gally had thought she was unconscious, which Isabelle was aiming for. Once he let out a deep breath, he took a step back.

Summoning whatever strength she had left, Isabelle thrust her knee to the side and used the speed from it to kick his already injured knee. Something popped and snapped. Isabelle was sure it wasn't any kind of twig. Gally cried out and fell to the ground.

She walked then, out of the Deadheads after making sure to take the knife from Gally and keep it with her. She stumbled slowly to the Homestead where a few Gladers had woken up from Gallys shouting.

No one rushed up to her. They waited in horror as her seemingly half dead body wobbled to them. She walked past a couple boys who stared in shock at the blood.

Isabelle went up to Alby who had woken up too and took his hand with her bloody one. He stared at her with his mouth open and eyes wide. She took the knife and placed it firmly in his palm.

"He's in the Deadheads. Don't worry, he won't go anywhere," she said annoyed and limped up to her room.

She used a damp rag to wipe away the blood. Once she was sure that all the blood was gone, she left her room and stumbled into Newts. He was still asleep somehow, and it made Isabelle relax.

She lifted the blanket and slid herself in next to Newt. Her back was to him and she felt his arm wind around her.

"Bad dream?" He asked tiredly.

"Yeah," she mumbled, not wanting to explain. She just wanted to sleep. Should she be this tired?

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Newt murmured and kissed the back of her head.

And she slept.

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