Chapter 24

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Newt was sat on one of Frypans tables with his head in his hand. He stared off into the Deadheads, completely oblivious of his now-cold soup. Other Gladers were either eating their food happily or waiting eagerly in line to get theirs.

"Newt," Winston sighed and sat down next to him with a bowl of soup. "It's been a week. Maybe it's time to-"

"To what?" Newt snapped. He stared at Winston with a look of annoyance. "To move on? Let her go?" He huffed. "Do you really think you're the first to say that?"

Winston stared back with his mouth hanging open. He tried to utter something but he was sure anything he had to say had already been said. Newt went back to staring at his food with a disgusted expression. Winston didn't know if it was at himself or the food.

Then the alarm on the Box sounded throughout the entire Glade. All of the boys rushed to it, eager to see the new Greenie. All except for Newt, who followed behind with a slow walk. Even though his leg was still in bad shape, it was good enough to go without a cast and he could get around on a limp. He got there in time to see Gally open the top and jump in, shaking the entire frame.

Gally leaned in closely to him and grabbed him by his blue shirt. "Day one Greenie. Rise and shine."

The boy was pulled out of the box and fell on the ground. He had dark hair and brown eyes with a lean body.

The boys crowded around the new Greenie and stared down at him with jokes and exclamations.

"I could use some help in the kitchen!" Frypan threw in.

"Looks like a Slopper to me!" said another.

The Greenie got to his feet, turned around and pushed past Zart. He sprinted while yells and cheers followed him from behind.

"Hey we got a Runner!" Zart shouted above everyone.

The boy was fast, you had to admit. And it looked like he just might make it to the Maze walls.

But then he fell. He rolled in the grass and came to a stop on his stomach. He was staring up at the towering Maze walls. The Gladers whooped and clapped for him as he got to his feet. He turned in circles and breathed heavily.

A couple minutes later Gally and Minho had thrown him in the pit, as they usually did with newbies. Newt remembered when he and Isabelle had gone through the same thing. Newt winced at the memory.

Alby had talked to the Greenie and made sure that he wasn't going to run again. Everyone found out quickly that he asked a lot of questions. But who could blame him?

Newt pushed himself to go talk to him and Alby, even though every part of himself said to go lie down and stay there. He walked up to the two anyways and shook hands with him.

"Listen that was some dash you made earlier," Newt laughed. "For a second I thought you had the chops to be a Runner. Until you face planted. That was great."

The boy pulled a confused look and glanced between Alby and Newt. "Runner?"

Alby turned to Newt. "Hey go find Chuck will you?"

Newt nodded and went to find him. He only found him, after a half hour of searching, by the Box unloading supplies.

"Hey Chuck Alby wanted you for something. He's with the Greenie," Newt said. "I'll take over for you here."

"Thanks," Chuck smiled and handed Newt the box of jars he was carrying.

"No problem," Newt sighed.


Isabelle sat in her unlit room that morning, waiting. She told herself she was waiting for someone to come get her, but she knew she was actually waiting for Newt to walk through the door and sit on the edge of her bed. Everything seemed wrong without him.

Someone in a white jumpsuit stepped into the room and flicked on the light. They stopped mid-step and then continued, clearly surprised she was already awake.

Isabelle sighed and stood, following them out of the room and down the dimly lit hallway. She remembered doing this often before she went up to the Glade, except there was something different about this time. Something seemed off.

Chancellor Ava Paige waited for her in the control room. Isabelle turned to the person who had led her there, but they were already leaving. Now it was just them.

"Isabelle, I've given you a week to adjust to being back here, but now I need your help. What I pulled you out of there for."

"I won't hurt anyone," Isabelle responded without missing a beat. She knew that WICKED wouldn't rule out violence to get their results.

"I'm not quite asking you to do that. But I do need you to set things in motion. Here," Ava motioned for her to step forward.

Isabelle stood next to Ava with her arms crossed. She narrowed her eyes at the woman and watched what she was about to show her.

The multiple screens in front of them flickered on at her touch and soon the entire wall was filled with images and video of the Glade. Isabelle watched with her lips parted as some boy she didn't recognize climb the tower with Alby. Chuck waved at them from the bottom and Alby yelled something indecipherable with a smile.

The cameras were all of different things, different people. Zart was wiping sweat away at the Gardens, Winston was eating soup at Frypans kitchen, and Newt was unloading supplies from the box. He looked like he was in agony.

"Newt..." Isabelle whispered and tears formed in her eyes. Her fingers touched the screen gently where he worked and Ava Paige switched the screen, shocking Isabelle out of her trance.

Isabelle stepped back and wiped a tear away so she could see the screen clearly. Her eyebrows furrowed at what she was seeing. It was her, in the Maze. It flipped from the entire night: her going into it, tripping over vines, hiding in the crevice in the wall...

"So you see," Ava said and turned the screen off. "We've been watching you. Monitoring you."

"Why are you telling me this?" Isabelle looked to the ground and then back up to the woman.

"Because you're going to work for WICKED."

A/N: Hey guys so I really used the movie to tie into the book and have it pick up where Thomas gets introduced. I think it'll be interesting to see both sides, don't you think? Now the fun begins...Also, thank you for all of your comments and votes! They mean so much to me and keep me motivated :)

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