Chapter 20

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Isabelle refused to move out of her hiding place until she could feel the effects of blood loss. She carefully stepped out of the crack in the wall, as quiet as possible, and took off her outer shirt once again. Man she was glad she always wore a tank top underneath.

She took her shirt and ripped it in half. The action took more effort and energy than she knew it should. She tried to push her cut flesh together the best she could and tied her scrap of shirt around it tightly over the other half she used as a pad to soak up the blood.

As soon as she was done with that, she climbed back into the wall quickly and was relieved no Griever had found her. Now she just had to wait with hopefully no more running. She knew she would be killed if she was chased again.

Two hours she stood there in the crack in the wall. She was losing feeling in her legs so she let the wall hold her up instead. She rested her head against the rough stone and waited, relieved to see that the sky was finally becoming a dark blue. It was almost morning, and she was still here.


Newt was watching the sky with dark eyes. His head hurt from both his jump and from crying so much. When the sky finally started to lighten up, he felt as if he was nothing. He had no emotion and was numb.

Someone stepped in front of him but he only looked at their shoes. It was Minho.

"I'm having Frypan bring you food. Eat it, okay?"

Newt said nothing.

Minho bent on one knee to make eye contact with Newt.

"She could've made it, you know. She's strong."

Newt shook his head and frowned. "No," he croaked. "I heard her die."

Minho was quiet and stood. "I guess we'll see which one of us is right, then."

The doors slid open  and Minho began to run. Newt dragged himself back to the Med-Jacks hut.

He couldn't bear to watch Minho bring her body back.


Isabelle was fading in and out of consciousness. She didn't know how she was still going after how much blood she'd lost. It was all over her clothes, the stone wall, even in her hair. Now how did it get there? She couldn't remember.

When she was sure that the Grievers weren't coming back, she wedged herself from out of the wall. She meant to grab the ivy to help her down, but she missed it and fell on her shoulder with an "oof".

Maybe she'd just lay here for a while. Maybe go to sleep. She was so very tired...

No. She knew that if she fell asleep, she wouldn't wake up. She had to fight.

"Come on, Isabelle," she slurred to herself. "Get up."

Her eyelids drooped and she eventually made it to her feet. Three steps was all it took to send her crashing back down. If she didn't get back to the Glade fast...well, she'd have survived a night in the Maze for nothing.

Something, someone, jogged past the opening to the hallway in the Maze where she laid on the ground.

She pushed herself up on her elbow and shouted with everything she had left.

"Hey shuck face!"

Isabelle heard them stop running. Then they were sprinting back to her. They nearly missed the turn again when they skidded to a stop.

It was Minho. He started laughing. "Holy shuck! You actually did it! I...I was afraid you were dead, Princess."

"Oh ye of such little faith," she groaned. Minho rushed over to her and helped her stand, throwing her arm over his shoulder. He looked to the ground where she had been laying. The area was dark crimson.

"W-we need to get you to the Med-Jacks, now."

"Oh really? I thought losing that much blood was completely natural." Isabelle pressed a hand to her side as Minho began to move them towards the entrance to the Glade. It would take a bit to get there, but they'd make it.

"Wow, did the Grievers teach you that sass?"

Isabelle gave him a dark look and he apologized immediately.

Five minutes later and they were almost to the Glade.

"How much longer?" Isabelle asked weakly. Her vision was becoming dark and she fought to stay awake.

"Not far. How are you holding up?" Minho waited for her reply, but it never came.

"Isabelle?" Minho glanced at her face and saw that her eyes were closed and her head was hanging. She was unconscious.

"Shuck," Minho muttered and picked up the pace.

He made a final turn and all that was left was the last stretch to the Glade. Minho groaned in effort. Halfway...three quarters...

With a final grunt, Minho  entered the Glade and started towards the Med-jacks hut. He lifted Isabelle so she was cradled in his arms and her legs and arm dangled over the side. People began shouting and alerting the others when Minho made it to the hut. A sense of deja-vu came over him.

He pushed the door open with his back and placed her on the first mattress that was there. Newt, Clint and Jeff stared with wide eyes.

"Major blood loss on her waist," Minho said while breathing hard.

Clint ordered Jeff to get the bandages and they began.

Minho was about to leave when he turned to Newt. "By the way, I told you so."

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