Chapter 2

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"Rise and shine, Greenies!"

Isabelle's eyes flew open and she backed into the wall, hitting her head. The last images of a nightmare trickled out of her memory, like everything else seemed to. She looked up to the voice that'd spoken while rubbing the back of her head.

It was the dark skinned boy from when she'd came out of the box. Based on how he walked and held himself, Isabelle guessed he was the Chief, or leader of whatever this place was.

The boy next to her groaned and sat up from his curled position on the cells floor. He narrowed his eyes at the bright light, as did Isabelle. The leader offered his hand and Isabelle took it.

"I'm Alby," he introduced. She gave a polite smile and he pulled her out of the slammer.

"Either of you remember your names?"

They both shook their heads. Alby nodded and motioned for them to follow him.

"This is what we call the Glade. We've worked hard for what we have." He turned to face them as he walked. "Don't mess it up."

Alby continued to show them through the Glade, introducing them to a couple other Gladers whose names Isabelle had already forgotten. He showed them the Deadheads, wall of Glader names, and all the jobs he said they would be trying out the next day. When the tour was finished, he lead them to the Homestead.

"Any questions, Greenies?" Alby had a patient smile on his face and folded his arms. This was definitely not the first time he'd had to do this.

"Why do you call us Greenie?" The blond boy asked. Isabelle liked the sound of his British accent and she felt like she could listen to him talk all day.

Alby chuckled and muttered, "Everyone asks that. We call all the newbies Greenies. Like a Green Bean, ya know?"

Isabelle became more confused at this. What did vegetables have to do with anything?

"Where are the other girls?" Isabelle asked lightly. Alby pushed his lips together and breathed deeply. He knew this question was coming too.

"Ah, well, you're the first. So, congratulations, I guess." Alby watched as her hopeful face fell.

"What's beyond those walls?" Isabelle tried to change the subject.

"You'll learn all of that soon, don't worry. Now," Alby clapped his hands together and a spark flickered in his eye. "It's time for the celebration! And since two of you came up for some reason, we're going to have twice the party. And you're the guests of honor!"

With that, an excited Alby jogged off to help with a bon fire a couple other Gladers were building.

That night, a fire consumed the large amount of sticks and logs that had been placed in a tower. Isabelle liked the feel of the warmth on her face. She let her eyes close for a moment and try to block the noise out.

But instead, shouting arose from around the fire and Isabelle's eyes snapped open. The blond boy was being crowded around and Alby was holding the boys arm up towards the darkening night sky in celebration.

People were shouting, "Newt!" with bright smiles. The name hit Isabelle like a truck. Something pulled from deep within her, an urge to remember something just beyond her reach. It irritated her that she couldn't remember the simplest things.

The boy who had thrown her into the Slammer earlier sat down next to her. She recognized him from his still-perfect hair. He held out his hand.

"Minho," he introduced himself. She gave a half hearted smile and took his hand.

"I'm..." Her name seemed to be on the tip of her tongue. "Elisabeth? Isabelle?" Once she said it, her eyes went wide and she sucked in a breath. "I'm Isabelle!"

Minhos smile grew in an instant and he stood up with her and held her hand to the sky like what was done with Newt.

"Isabelle!" Minho exclaimed loud enough for everyone to hear. More shouting came and people were yelling both Isabelle's name and Newts so loud it seemed to shake the ground.

Isabelle was handed a drink and she swallowed the warm liquid quickly, coughing as soon as it touched her tongue. She was patted on the back and someone took the drink from her. It tasted awful and she hoped that wasn't what they were surviving on out here.

After a couple hours of boys wrestling and loud laughter from everyone, the Gladers started heading to bed and Alby offered to show Isabelle's room to her. She accepted and followed him up some stairs that were to the side of the Homestead and led to a second level.

"Usually only Keepers get rooms, but since you're a girl, we just, ya know." Alby shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes were tired and he seemed to be slumped forward.

Isabelle nodded. "Thank you. Goodnight."

Alby nodded and yawned as he turned around to head back down the stairs. Isabelle twisted the squeaky knob to her room and pushed the door open, and without fail, it creaked loudly too. She sighed and closed it behind her, cringing at the loud noises it made.

The only light source was a window that let moonlight in. A bed almost big enough for two people was pushed against the wall and had a thin blanket covering the mattress and a pillow to top it off.

Isabelle kicked off her shoes and threw herself on the mattress. Yep. It squeaked too. She sighed and pulled the blanket and her knees up to her chin. She was hopeful to get some rest and not be tormented by all the questions she had.

Her hopes were fulfilled about an hour later after watching the moon slowly rise. Her eyes drifted closed and she dreamed.

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