Chapter 21

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Newt was laying on the other mattress when Minho bursts through the door. She was in his arms, bloody, pale, and limp. no no!

"Major blood loss on her waist," Minho grunted and put her on the mattress.

Before he left he was sure to tell Newt that he was right. She...was alive?

Newt tried to get off his bed but Jeff pressed him back down with a look that said "stay". Newt knew it was probably for the best that he didn't get in the way, but he wanted to be over there so badly.

"I-I need scissors, and a needle. Thread too," Clint stuttered. His back was to Newt, but from him moving Newt could see that his hands were already dark red.

Jeff handed him what he asked for and Clint began stitching her up. Newt couldn't see anything and he was tempted to get up again.

Then Clint moved to get bandages and a sob escaped Newts mouth.

A gash went from her lower back, above her hip, and up to her ribcage. It was deep and Newt wondered how she was still breathing. Her face was to him and he wished she would just open her eyes.

Then Clint moved back in front of Newts gaze and was stitching her back up.

Newt couldn't help the feeling of hope that filled his heart again. Would she really be okay? Alive? Then he came to the possibility that she mighty even blame him. It was his fault after all.

Clint pulled the thread back and went in again, and again and again. Newt began to count how many stitches he gave her to keep his mind off of everything else. 47, 48, 49, 50...

Clint had to have gotten up to around 90 stitches when he cut the thread. Then he took the bandage and wrapped it around her several times.

"No, no she's still not alright," Jeff muttered. "She's lost too much. She needs a blood transfusion."

Clint turned with a hard look. "You know how dangerous that is, we can't do that. She could die."

"Actually you can," Newt chipped in.

"What do you mean? We'd need a relative or someone with the same blood type, but we don't have either." Jeff folded his arms.

"Chuck," Newt stated. "Chuck is her brother."


Once Newt swore on his life that Chuck was her actual brother, they had him in there faster than Minho runs to lunch. Chuck was willing to give blood in an instant. Learning that he had a big sister was a bonus.

They had to take blood from Chuck four times, with a couple hours in between so Chuck would be okay too. No one had seen the boy happier to help out. He was positive Isabelle was going to be alright.

Newt wasn't so sure. He simply watched her when the others left. She looked so peaceful and he wondered if she could feel anything. Their beds were a couple feet apart and her hand was hanging over the edge. He extended his and their fingers touched.

He was shocked how cold they were. Like ice, and she was so so pale. Newt looked at her resting face and patched together side.

"What did you go through, Isabelle?" he murmured. He thought running through the Maze was bad enough, and she'd spent an entire night out there! He knew she was stronger than he was, it was no question. Now was just the question of if she was strong enough.

There was a knock on the door and Minho entered. Newt greeted him and he took a seat on the edge of Newts bed.

"How is she?"

"Breathing," Newt replied. "Did you get to talk to her when you found her or was she already unconscious?"

"Oh she was awake alright. Sassed me out of my own game."

"She was making jokes? While she was bleeding out?" Newt propped himself up on one elbow and looked up to Minho.

Minho gave a short laugh. "Yeah. She's one tough shank, I'll give her that." Minho smiled for a second. "You know she beat the daylight out of Gally."

"Really?" Newt raised an eyebrow and smiled a little.

Minho told him about what Isabelle did and why. Newt was quiet and then threw his head back and laughed.

"Would've liked to see that."

"I can do it again, if you'd like."

Newts gaze went to Isabelle who was staring at him with a lazy grin and low eyes. It was obvious she was exhausted but nevertheless, awake.

"Hey," Newt cooed. He took her hand and squeezed it firmly.

Minho smiled and stood. "Well I'll let you two catch up."

"Wait," Isabelle said. She grabbed his arm and looked him in the eyes. "Thank you."

Minho nodded and left the room.

Newt and Isabelle stared at each other for what seemed like forever, before Isabelle broke out in a giggle. Newt furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her with a confused smile.

"I've missed your smile so much," she said.

Isabelle grabbed his hand firmly, loving the warmth that came with it. She let her eyes sink closed and smiled a little.

"I'm so sorry, Isabelle," Newt apologized. "I'm so, so sorry."

Isabelle, keeping her smile, shook her head with her eyebrows furrowed. "Shh, don't apologize."

She opened her eyes slightly and looked at the boy she loved. "I'm okay, you're okay, we're all going to be okay."

Newt chuckled. He wish he could say something, but the only words that came to his mouth was an apology.

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