Chapter 9

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Isabelle woke the next morning with frustration. The ache in the back of her throat made her want to kick a rock.

She was sick.

When she was late getting down to the Med-Jacks hut, Chuck came to wake her up, assuming that she had been sleeping. He knocked lightly on the door and entered. He was surprised to see her sitting on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands.

"Sorry Chuck," she sniffled. "I'll be right down."

Isabelle stood and swayed a bit. She was exhausted even with a full nights sleep.

"Woah, hey, are you okay? You don't look too great. Actually you look like klunk." Chuck furrowed his eyebrow as he took in her pale expression and messy hair.

Isabelle gave a tired smile and put two thumbs up. "Thanks Chuck. You know how to make a girl feel special."

Chuck tried apologizing but she shook her head and ushered him through the door so she could get dressed and out of her night clothes.

While trading her ragged t-shirt for a fresh one, she slipped on her bra. She was about to walk out the door when she stopped, looked down, and sighed tiredly at herself. She'd put her bra on the outside of her shirt. It was going to be a long day.

When she got down to the Med-Jacks hut, Jeff took a step back at the sight of her.

"Woah! What happened? Did a Griever get to ya?"

"Yes, that's exactly what happened," Isabelle retorted.

"Sorry, it's just that you don't look so great, and I'm not a huge fan of being sick."

"Too bad, guess we can't be friends then." Isabelle sighed. "Do you have anything for this?" She motioned to herself.

"That depends," he chuckled. "You talkin about you or the cold?"

Isabelle narrowed her eyes at him and he turned around to rifle through a cabinet filled with medicine which she was sure was sent up from the Creators. Jeff whirled around and handed her a bottle of some kind of pain killer. She thanked him and took a couple.

She started getting busy by setting up the medical equipment for the day. She laid out a marker and a syringe. She smiled to herself and took the marker.

Once her giggling became loud enough to be heard, Jeff stepped around to to see what she was doing. He sighed and took the marker away but it was too late. Isabelle had drawn eyes on the syringe, every one of her fingers, some scissors, and had one of two eyes on a bottle. Jeff sighed and scratched his head.

She let him take away the marker easily and started laughing so hard no sound was heard. She bent over and leaned on the table to catch her breath but only laughed harder. Everything was just so funny.

Jeff led the laughing girl to one of the couple mattresses and helped her sit down. He put his hands on her shoulders and waited until she was focused enough to look him in the eye.

"Don't. Leave. This. Spot."

Isabelle pushed her lips together and furrowed her eyebrows. She gave a stout nod and Jeff groaned as he left the room. She played with some of her hair and was grinning for no apparent reason. She could feel the heaviness of exhaustion and everything was spinning around her.

"-and she seemed just really grumpy but then she started laughing and..." Jeff stopped as he entered the room with Clint and Alby. They all stared at Isabelle who was now sitting on the floor.

"I saw a beetle....I moved places. Sorry." She looked up to them with a frown but soon laid down.

Clint turned to Jeff. "Are you sure she didn't drink too much of Gallys drink? She looks like I did on my first night here."

"No, Clint, she's not drunk."

Alby took a couple steps forward and squatted down next to Isabelle. She looked up to him with big eyes. He placed a hand on her forehead and withdrew it quickly.

"She has a fever. She's burning up." Alby shook his head and stepped back to let Clint take over.

Clint knelt next to Isabelle. "Hey do you think you can get up to the mattress right there?" He motioned to the one she had previously been sitting on. She glared at the distance between it and her and shook her head weakly.

What? The floor was cool on her skin and she liked it. It soothed the heat.

"Uh, Jeff go get a wet wash cloth and Alby you grab her feet."

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