Chapter 17

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When she woke up, she could hear Gally yelling all the way from her room. She sat up and sighed. Everything seemed okay for a moment, just for a second. Then she remembered everything and wanted nothing more than to curl back up and stay in her room. To hide from the reality out there.

But she couldn't. She had to go check on Newt and watch his vital signs and make sure he was okay. So she did.

She nearly made it to the med-jacks hut when a hand stopped her. Alby.

"I need you in the Gathering place. Now."

"But I have to watch Newt...can't someone else go?" Isabelle folded her arms.

Alby chuckled. "I don't think that's possible."

Their conversation ended with Isabelle following him to the Gathering place. Everyone was sitting in there except for Clint who must be with Newt. There was no place for her to sit on the benches. The only open seat was in a chair in the center. Right next to...

"You can't be serious," Isabelle said, baffled. "You're having a Gathering? For this?" She motioned to Gally who sat in a chair with a mean expression.

"He claims you attacked him with no cause, and you never explained to me why we found him like we did. So," Alby made a swooping motion to the empty chair. "Take a seat."

Isabelle huffed and sat down only after dragging her chair at least ten feet away from where Gally was. Minho sat with a hard expression and she knew he believed her. He winked at her and she gave a weak smile.

"So, Gally, would you like to repeat what happened yesterday?" Alby leaned against a supporting beam and folded his arms.

Gally nodded and stood. "I entered the med-jacks hut after being told that my friend, Newt, had been badly injured. I wanted to see him. When I entered, I saw Isabelle trying to inject him with the stuff we use on the animals to put them down. She was trying to kill him."

Isabelle stood up so fast that her chair fell over. Zart pulled her back when she tried to go to Gally. "He's lying!" She shouted. "I would never kill him!"

Alby shouted for her to sit back down and she did. She glared at Gally who put a concerned look on his face. She wanted so badly to wipe it off with her fist.

"When she saw me witnessing what she was doing, she tried to kill me too. She did this," he motioned to his jaw and throat. "As well as broke my nose. I'm lucky that when we were fighting, the syringe she had was dropped and it broke. It's empty and I bet it's still in there."

Isabelle nearly screamed. He was such a liar! Who would believe him? Isabelle gripped the fabric of her shirt and when it started to rip, she released.

"Anything else you want to add, Gally?" Alby stood up straight and Gally nodded.

"I think I know why she wanted to kill him."

Laughter bubbled up inside of her but she held back. She wanted to hear this story.

"As we all know, Isabelle and Newt had a big fight the day before and she was obviously still upset. I think she was using his injury to pass her murder off as not being able to save him."

Isabelle sat, mouth gaping. "Wow that's low for even you, Gally."

Gally shrugged and took a seat. Alby motioned for Isabelle to stand. It was her turn.

"Well, Gally isn't completely lying. I did attack him. But I wasn't trying to kill anyone. When Gally came through the door, he locked it and then held me away from Newt, who I was trying to save. He told me that if I let him die, then we could be together. You see, the day before, Gally told me he wanted to be with me and I told him I was already in love with Newt."

Isabelle continued to explain exactly what had happened. She made sure that they knew why the syringe was there and what Newt had argued about. They'd have to believe her right? It was the truth.

Gally started laughing the moment she stopped speaking. "That was the biggest lie I think I've ever heard you tell. And why would I want to be with someone who attempted to murder me?"

Isabelle glared at him and he looked back at her with equal malice.

Alby shook his head. "Honestly, I don't know who I believe. So we'll take a vote. Who believes Isabelle?"

Alby counted the hands that raised. Seventeen.

"And who believes Gally?"

Again, hands were counted. Except this time, thirty three people raised their hands. Isabelle couldn't breathe. This wasn't happening, right? They didn't honestly believe Gally over her.

Alby nodded. "Then it's decided. Isabelle of the Med-Jacks, you will be banished at sundown."

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