Chapter 22

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Isabelle's grip on Newts hand relaxed and she murmured something. Her eyes had drifted shut and she shivered in her sleep. Newt pushed himself up and pulled her blanket from around her feet to her shoulders. He then pulled off his blanket and put it on her too. Hopefully that would warm her up a little.

Newt laid back down then and decided to join her in sleep. Their hands were still joined and when he slept, he had no nightmares.


Isabelle gasped awake. She opened her eyes to rid herself of the image of the Maze that was now apparently going to follow her in her dreams. She looked over to Newt who was still asleep.

Good, she thought. He needs the rest.

Isabelle didn't see anyone in the hut so she stood. She decided she was strong enough to walk, and strutted out the door. Her side felt like a four year old had played with scissors but other than that, she was alright. Once she stepped out the door, she realized how hungry she was.

She eventually made it to Frypans kitchen after slowly walking there, careful to not do herself anymore damage. When she took a seat, Frypan started laughing. "Back from the dead she is!"

He placed a bowl of soup in front of her and she began eating it quickly, grateful for it. Frypan of course had a million questions which she answered in her own time.

Isabelle glanced around the Glade for a moment when she saw him. Her face became as hot as the soup and she put her spoon down. She stood and left Frypan mid-question.

She marched as fast as she could, furious and fists clenched. She was coming up behind him when other Gladers pointed to her. He spun around just in time for his jaw to meet her fist.

"You pathetic lying piece of trash!" Isabelle spat. Her voice was full of venom and Gally looked shocked.

Gally spun backwards and hit into the log he was trying to saw through. When he recovered, a fire was ignited in his eyes and something in Isabelle thought, bring it on.

Gally advanced towards her and she stepped forward too. Even if she was injured, she'd still fight him. Gally held a fist up and Isabelle was about to thrust her knee up to no mans land when a voice stopped them.

"Stop! Don't take one more move or you'll both be in the pit!" Alby was running over to them. Isabelle didn't take her eyes off of his, trying to send as much hate and malice to him as she could. Gally returned a look of disorientation and anger, but it was nothing near hers.

Alby put a hand on her and she yanked free. "Don't touch me! You knew I was innocent and you still sent me into the Maze. Throw me in the pit, I don't care. You can do whatever you want to cover your guilt but it doesn't change what you did."

With that, Isabelle sent one more hateful look towards Gally and strode back to the Med-Jacks hut. She could never forgive either of them.

Isabelle was stopped by a boy running to catch up with her. This was one boy she could never be mad at.


She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. He didn't stop though, but instead ran faster to her. He wrapped his arms around her and she put a hand on top of his head.


He pulled away and grinned at her. "Hey big sis!"

Isabelle's mouth was open slightly, shocked. "How do you know..."

"Newt told me."

"Why would he tell you that?" Isabelle grew more confused every second.

"Because you needed blood."

Isabelle paused and looked down to him. "You gave me blood?"

Chuck nodded, making his curly hair bounce. Isabelle gave a grateful smile and hugged him. "Thank you," she whispered.

"It was really cool! I could see my own blood in a tube," he exclaimed. Isabelle saw the excitement in his eyes and it made her smile.

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