Chapter 6

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She made her way up soundlessly and quickly even though she slipped on one of the ladder rungs. Once she got to the top, she sighed and sat on the wood floor. She marveled at the sight of the Glade, which was actually quite pretty. For being a prison, at least it was a comfortable one.

Isabelle listened to the cool breeze that caressed her neck and swept her long hair back. For now, she could forget about the Maze, whatever or whoever WICKED was, Newts apparent dislike for her, and her memory loss. It almost seemed perfect in the tower. Until...

Newt climbed to the top and stopped. His eyes locked on Isabelle's and he froze. Isabelle's cheeks went red and she suddenly felt out of place. Her hands tightened around the fabric of her jeans from the tension.

Newt cleared his throat and took a step back down.

"Wait," Isabelle's held out her hand to stop him. He looked up to her and put on a impatient look.

"Can we just talk? Please?"

Newt sighed, silently cheered inside, and stepped back up to the top. He stepped towards Isabelle but kept his distance. She looked down to her thumbs and twirled them in circles.

"So...couldn't sleep?" Isabelle cringed at her small talk.

"Isabelle, is there an actual reason you want me here or are you just lonely?" Newt kept his stone face but his eyes gave away that he didn't mind being there.

Isabelle swallowed hard and glanced over to him. She shook her head and laughed to herself. This was all so ridiculous!

"What's your problem with me? I didn't do anything to you." She furrowed her eyebrows and set her mouth in a hard line.

Newt tensed up and this time he was the one to look away. "What, do I have to ask your permission to not like you?"

Anger flared up inside of Isabelle but she forced herself to suppress it.

"I haven't even given you the chance to not like me! We've only been here for three days Newt. And two of those you wouldn't talk to me. So what changed?" Isabelle folded her arms and waited for a response. Newt was obviously taken aback by her answer. He pressed his lips together and stared her in the eyes.

"I think you're annoying," he responded. That was it. Really Newt?

"And I think you're lying," Isabelle countered.

"You're too dependent on people."

"Lying again."

Newt and Isabelle stared each other down furiously.

"Just tell me what you're hiding, Newt!" She uncrossed her arms and laid them out with her palms open.

The breeze blew hair into her face but she let it fall back to her shoulders on its own. Newt groaned and pushed a hand through his hair.

"You see," Isabelle started. "I've seen you with other people like Winston, Frypan, Chuck. You're kind to them. You care for them. So why do you hate me?"

Newts hard expression softened and his mouth opened slightly. "I don't hate you, Belle," he whispered.

Isabelle went ridged. She'd only heard him call her that in her dreams, or memories, whichever they were.

"Then what?" she pried.

"You wouldn't understand! Okay?" Newt held his head in his hands and sighed.

Isabelle held her breath. Should she tell him? What if she was wrong about him remembering things? What if he just honestly hated her? Then what would she do?

Taking a deep breath Isabelle threw all caution to the wind and opened her mouth.

"I remember a time before I came here." Isabelle leaned back on her hands and let the breeze relax her.

Newts full attention was suddenly on her. His eyes searched hers desperately and held a spark of hope that she wanted to ignite.

"Really?" He asked.

Isabelle nodded. "I was with a boy," she said. Newts eyes fell and his shoulders slumped slightly. "And we had a picnic. Except, that boy forgot the food."

Newts eyes teared up and he nodded but turned his head away so she wouldn't see. "Sounds like a bloody awful picnic."

Isabelle laughed and looked down to her toes. "It was."

They both listened to the wind rustling the trees leaves and both frogs and crickets chirping.

"I remember things too, about a girl," Newt said and turned back to look at her. His hand found her arm and then her sleeve. "Like how she was writing something down, but then got interrupted."

He pushed her sleeve up and revealed the messy words. Isabelle's breathing sped up and Newt traced the words with his finger.

He pulled his hand away and rested it and his chin on the log that lined the wall of the tower.

"I'm sorry I treated you like that," he muttered.

Isabelle looked down to her thighs and didn't say anything.

"I hope you understand why I did it. I guess it was just easier to push you away than to look at you every day and know that I couldn't be with you."

Isabelle's heart seemed to explode and melt all at once.

"Well...who said you couldn't be?"

Newt looked to Isabelle with a curious expression. She scooted closer to him and took his hand in hers, intertwining them. A gentle smile spread over his face and he cherished the warmness her hand made.

The breeze blew her hair back and Newt watched the strands fly with carefreeness. He leaned in slowly and she returned the gesture until she could feel his breath on her cheek. Isabelle placed her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her until their lips touched.

Memories exploded in her mind and she smiled against his mouth.

She pulled away and breathed heavily. "I-I think I remember everything," Isabelle gasped. "Well, about you at least."

Newt nodded his understanding. "I know what you mean."

Isabelle laughed quietly. "And that was definitely not our first kiss."

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