Chapter 39

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It was Aris. He met her in the empty lab and breathed heavily, as if he'd just ran a marathon.

"What is it?" She asked.

"They're here," he said excitedly with wide eyes. "I'm going to get them right now."

Teresa nodded and bit her fingernail. "Don't get caught. I'll be waiting."

Teresa paced back and forth slowly, thinking. Worry filled her core and she crossed her arms. Not only was she worried about taking WICKED down, but now she had twenty other people to worry about. She couldn't believe how many of them decided to stay in the Glade.

It wasn't long before multiple sets of footsteps were making their way quickly down the hall. She could hear Aris's muffled voice and the heavy breathing of the group. Teresa ran to the weapons cart and pushed it towards the door, ready to arm them as soon as they came in.

When the door finally swung open though, she froze and stared into the dim room. He stopped too, and the world seemed to fade away.


"Teresa?" Thomas whispered.

Isabelle watched with intense curiosity as the woman who saved her and Thomas stared at each other.

"Thomas!" Teresa exclaimed and her eyes filled with tears. She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. His went behind her back and they both stood there, stunned.

Aris took a tarp off of a cart and threw it to the ground. He grabbed something Isabelle couldn't quite see in the dark and gave it to Minho.

"Awesome!" Minho grinned. He held it firmly and suddenly Isabelle understood what it was.

"Guns?" She asked Aris once he handed her one.

He shook his head. "Launchers. They won't kill anyone, but they sure won't be a problem anymore."

Isabelle shook her head and looked to Thomas and Teresa who had finally broken up their reunion. Teresa stood close by him holding a Launcher.

Isabelle found Newt close by and saw he already had a Launcher. He looked down at the weapon with a frown. Isabelle knew how he felt.

It wasn't long before Isabelle was handed a pistol too. Teresa had told her it was for emergencies only. Isabelle shook her head. This was all so crazy.

Once everyone was armed, Teresa stepped into the hallway and motioned for everyone to follow.

Isabelle moved to the front so she could speak to Teresa. "Where is Ava?"

Teresa peeked around a corner and nodded to the others that it was safe. She sighed and glanced at Isabelle. "Last I saw she was in the control room. She won't be there anymore though. She-"

Teresa was cut off by flickering lights above them. They turned on and off for a moment, almost if they were unsure if they wanted to be on. Eventually the lights turned on and stayed that way. Most of the Gladers stopped to stare at the lights, but Teresa kept them moving.

"Looks like our stealth is blown," Newt muttered.

"No," Teresa said slowly. "We were planning for this. We need to split up now that the lights are on. We're too big of a target."

Footsteps were heard down the hall and Teresa panicked. "Now! Everyone move!"

Isabelle took the first step in a different direction, leading Newt and Minho with her. The rest either went with Teresa or in their own direction.

"What's our plan?" Minho asked.

Isabelle took a deep breath. "Kill Ava Paige."

They were quiet after that. There was no sound from them except their footsteps and breathing. They all gave each other glances when they heard voices around the corner.

Isabelle pressed her back to the wall next to Newt. He held his Launcher the same as she did, firmly and ready to shoot.

Someone rounded the corner and Minho hit them with the butt of his Launcher. They fell to the ground and Isabelle saw that they were guards. She held her Launcher up and Newt did the same next to her.

She was too late though. The guard was ready as soon as Minho took the first one down. Isabelle heard a trigger click and suddenly she was on the ground in intense pain. The pain seemed electrifying and paralyzing. Her muscles contracted and it was hard to breathe. Was she going to die?

Minho fell next to her. He'd been shot with the Launcher too. Newt yelled out and shot his Launcher three times. One for each guard.

But the third one missed.

Newt pulled out his pistol but that fell to the ground with him when the guard shot him first. Isabelle breathed a sigh of relief when it was only the Launcher he'd been shot with. Isabelle reached out a hand to the thrashing boy with tears in her eyes. It was so hard to see him in such pain.

"Newt..." she groaned.

Suddenly a hand was on the collar of her shirt. "You," they said. Isabelle looked up to see the guard standing over her with a sick grin. "Ava's waiting for you."

"No," Isabelle protested weakly. She could do nothing though, as the guard picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

Isabelle watched as Newt cried out for her and she did the same. She stared in horror as the two guards hit by Newts Launcher got up and walked over to Minho and Newt. Newt kicked at their legs but it didn't do much in the end.

Isabelle didn't get to see what happened next when the guard turned the corner. Tears streamed down her face and she beat on the guards back. She wouldn't let them take Newt.

"Let me down!" She screamed. The guard did nothing but laugh.

After a while, Isabelle gave up on getting down. The man was twice her size and too strong.

He went through a door and threw Isabelle down, making her land on her back. She gasped for air and held the back of her head. Rude.

She climbed to her feet slowly, feeling completely drained. She leaned on a table that was close to her, letting it support her weight for the moment.

The sound of clicking heels made Isabelle look up swiftly. She took in the blond bun and white outfit she knew too well.

It was Ava.

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