Chapter 13

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The next morning Isabelle was on a mission, of sorts. Before Minho went running she wanted to talk to him. Determined, really, to find out what was going on with Newt. What had he been keeping from her?

"Minho!" Isabelle called. He was with Frypan and mutilating an apple with a knife.

"Princess! There can't be a good shuckin' reason why you're up this early, is there?" He stabbed a piece of the apple and popped it into his mouth.

Isabelle eyed the knife with confusion but kept talking. "You are, actually. I need to talk with you."

"Is this about my eating habits?" Minho said with his mouth full. He swallowed and took a bite out of the apple instead.
"I can change, really. Just give me one more chance."

"Shush, shuck face. I need to talk to you about Newt."

Minho nodded and motioned for her to continue.

"How long has he been having nightmares?"

He thought for a moment, looking upwards. "Around when you got sick. Maybe a bit earlier. Why? You tired of his hollering too? I mean I feel bad but-"

"What does he do when he's running with you?"

"Not much. He usually doesn't talk. Most of the time he insists on splitting off. I trust him enough to make it back though. Odd enough ain't it?" Minho fillets his apple once again and Isabelle nods.

"Very. Thanks, Minho. Don't hurt yourself. I'm not patching up your lip if you cut it."

Minho sticks up a thumb and Isabelle wanders around to find Frypan who had went somewhere in his kitchen. She eventually found him setting out dishes for breakfast. The others in the kitchen were far enough away to not hear her questions for him.

"Frypan?" Isabelle asks and steps next to him, leaning on a counter.

"Yeah?" He asks and glances at her.

"What are Newts eating habits?"

Frypan was taken aback by her question. He sets down a fork he was holding and turns to face her completely. He folds his arms.

"I work all day, handin out food and makin it and washin dishes, and you expect me to pick up on one persons habits?" Frypan gave her a look of disbelief. "I hand him a plate of food, just like everyone else. That's all I know. Maybe Rick knows more." Frypan motioned over his shoulder towards a person who was preparing eggs.

"Uh, Rick?" Isabelle asks. She'd never talked to him before, but she did recognize him.

He jumped, startled. Isabelle apologized. She asked him the same question she'd asked Frypan, but surprisingly, Rick did know.

"Look, he told me not to tell but I know you're concerned and so am I." Rick sighed and Isabelle grew worried. "He usually hands me the plate of food back, completely untouched. Do you know why?"

Isabelle shook her head and looked out in the distance, thinking. After a second she sucked in a sharp breath and put a hand on Ricks shoulder.

"Thanks," she muttered and raced out the door.

She went back to Newts room, looking for him. He wasn't there. Wait, what time was it?

Isabelle rushed to his window and peered out to see that the Maze doors were already open. He'd left. She muttered something under her breath and sighed. There was nothing to do now but wait.

Isabelle worked all day in a blur. Her mind was focused on what could be going on with Newt, and while she had a couple theories, she couldn't confirm that any were correct. So she kept her hands busy and tried not to think.

Gally showed up at the hut claiming to feel sick again. Clint told Isabelle to handle it because he was busy with another boy.

Isabelle stepped up to Gally and questioned him about what he was feeling.

"Around what you were feeling," he said unevenly.

Isabelle crossed her arms, suspiciously. "And that is...?"

"Uh nauseous, moody...?" Gally cringed at that last one but kept going. "Really weird I guess, and super tired."

Isabelle sighed. She sat down next to Gally and looked to her hands. "Gally I don't know how to tell you this but, you're pregnant." She looked to see his reaction.

He looked confused and Isabelle raised her eyebrows at him.

"Now why don't you tell me the real reason you're here? Because I know for a fact you're not sick."

Gally sighed and shrugged. "I guess I just wanted to see you. I mean," Gally took her hands in his. "I feel like I shouldn't be away."

Isabelle gave an awkward smile and pulled her hands away. A hurt look came over his face.

"Gally look, I'm kind of with Newt, alright? We go back before we even came here and I-I love him."

"What do you mean before you came here? You remember?" Gally braced himself and he almost looked like he was getting angry. Jealousy?

"Y-yeah, just me and Newt though. That's all."

Gally sighed and nodded. "Sorry for bothering you then."

Then he got up and left without a word. Isabelle felt a little bad, but what was she supposed to do? Tell him sorry and give him a lollypop?

She shook her head and got back to work. Now she had two things to try to not think about.

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