Beauty is the Beast: Prologue - Demon's Blood

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Author's Note: I'll say it here and now...I do not own Naruto nor do I own any pics that may or may not be used, unless they are stated as being mine. For the time being this story will be PG-13 but is subject to change in the future...probably.


It was said to have all started a few years after the man known as The Sage of Six Paths passed away. The Ookami clan (not very original I know) had barely marked its sixtieth year since it’s formation. The clan by then was mostly known for their ability to shape shift into wolves. So it wasn’t uncommon to see black wolves with green eyes running around. The clan members were equally characterized by their black manes of hair and beautiful emerald orbs. So it became very surprising when a pair of twins, the very first pair of twins in the clan, were born and one of them bore hair the color of snow and golden eyes.

            The clan elders didn’t know the cause, but it soon became clear once demon like feature began to show soon after the birth of said child. Sharp canines, White wolf ears, a white tail, and red markings around the eyes gave the founders proof that it was a child born of a demon, but why had the other one of the two been born with normal clan features?

          It wasn’t until the mother of the twins was questioned did they find out that she had had an affair outside of the clan. After being told who and what the father was, everyone feared for the future of the clan. It had been decided by the elders of the clan to dispose of the white haired infant as well as the father for the good of the clan. And so they did, leaving the normal of the twins to grow up unharmed.

           A few years later several sets of twins, each one containing a white haired demon child, were born. The clan went into a panic and immediately disposed of the white haired demons along with the mothers who had had relations outside of the clan. The other infants who had been part of the sets of twins were treated like the previous and left unharmed as they had the normal clan features and so were not considered a threat. No one had thought anything else of it.

          The elders and leader decided to hunt down all the demons in the area that they could in order to keep them from tempting and breeding with members of their clan. It only took a month for the task to be handled thanks to the clan’s ability and the cooperation of the nearby village and other nearby clans. They thought that they had finally seen the last of the demons, but they were wrong.

          Nearly a century and a half later, the clan had finished celebrating the ascension of the newest leader. There hadn’t been any other incidents involving demons and the stories of those events had started to become nothing more than stories to everyone except to the elders and leader. The clan by this time had strict laws against unknown outside unions, and continued to have their clan features and abilities passed on untainted. Or so they believed. The truth of the matter was that the bloodline had already been tainted far beyond their control or knowledge for that matter.

          It happened in the dead of night. A woman from the upper branch of the clan began going into labor, too early in fact. She wasn’t suppose to be due for another six weeks. Two of the clan elders, both being women, bore witness to the birth of twins. They had been the first set of twin since the incidents that took place a century and a half ago. The first born had black hair and emerald colored eyes just like everyone else in the clan. The other displayed the same ghostly white hair and golden orbs that plagued the clan long ago. The elders went into a panic and consulted with the new leader and rest of the elders.

          As it turned out, the woman who bore these twins was a descendant of one of the infants who had been born into a set of twins. With that information there was then the questions of who else was a descendant and how far along had this unknowingly spread in the clan? No one knew or could pinpoint who was a carrier of the blood that could produce demons.       So what was the plan of action? They couldn’t just kill off the clan and start from scratch, could they? No. For all they knew the leader himself could be a carrier or one of the elders and their children and grandchildren. They would just be hypocrites if they disposed of everyone in the clan but themselves and their children. They could just do as the elders of the past did and dispose of the white haired child, but that would not solve the problem. Children with the demon blood would still continue to be born.

          After long deliberation the elders and head of the clan decided to leave things as they were and see how things would play out. If the infant became a threat as he or she grew up, then it would be handled accordingly. However they didn’t just want the demon spawn to run around freely. No. they would keep the demon under lock and key. No one outside of the clan would know of this. It would only tarnish the clan’s name and cause fear in their allies. Fear that may one day lead to the clan’s demise. If more demon blooded children were born, then they would just do the same with them.

          So for generations this continued and every time it was the same. A set of twins born prematurely. One with demon features and the other normal. It was strange though. Never was there ever more than one born at a time. It seemed to skip a generation, sometimes two it seemed. The elders never complained though. They were happy that they only had to deal with one at a time. It made keeping the secret of the demon blood easier.

          It didn’t keep those resembling a demon from any hatred or resentment that the clan had felt though. They were constant targets for bullying by the younger clan members. The adults rudely avoided them or abused them either verbally or physically, sometimes both. Yes, the members baring white manes and gold eyes had a sad life. Never had anyone shown them kindness, not even their own parents. How unfair it was that their sibling was given a life that they could only wish for and only dream of.

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