Chapter 1

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You sat in your classroom as your teacher talked. But you didn't pay much attention until something the teacher said caught your attention. "Alright class, why don't we talk about fairy tales." The teacher said. "We already have to deal with a fairy tale, isn't that what (Y/N) is?" Said a student. The whole classroom laughed. You blushed in embarrassment and your face from the class. Yes, you were different from everyone else, you were a neko. A neko is a human with animal features such as foxes, cats, wolves, and other types. You were a (F/C) (F/A) neko. The teacher sighed. "No, I mean by your fairy tale, that's what the assignment is about, you students will be writing an essay about your fairy tale, you have until tomorrow to do so, tomorrow you will present your essay to the class." The teacher said. The school bell rung, signaling the end of class and the end of school. You stood up and walked out of class. "(Y/N)." The teacher said. You stopped and looked at the teacher. "I know how you are when it comes to fairy tales, don't be afraid to show the class your fairy tale, okay?" The teacher asked. You smiled and nodded. "Thanks." You said. "No problem." The teacher said. You waved at the teacher and left the class. As you walked out of class students were snickering and laughing as you walked by. You heard a couple of hurtful words. But ignored it and continued to walk out of the school. Once you did you walked home. You didn't have a family, so you were adopted, because no other parents would adopt a neko. As you walked inside your house you looked around. "I'm home." You called. "Oh, (Y/N), how was school?" Your adopted mom asked. "It was nice, I think, but I have an essay to write." You said walking upstairs to your bedroom. "Alright, your dad will be home before dinner." Your mom called. "Okay." You called back and went inside your room. You closed the door and set your backpack down. You took a deep breath and went to your computer. You began to wonder what to write before coming up with an idea. 'I'll write about me being a princess.' You thought with a smile. You always wanted to be a princess, it was a dream that you always kept. So you began to type about you being a princess. You described about the evil sorcerers and princes and such. You smiled as you typed. Soon you finished and used your printer to print the essay out. You sighed as you heard the door opening and closing. "(Y/N), come down, it's dinner time." Your adopted mom called. "Coming." You called back. You walked downstairs to see your adopted dad already sitting at the table. "Hey dad." You said sitting down. "Hey (Y/N), did you do anything in school today?" Your dad asked. You shrugged. "You know, the usual, except we had to write an essay." You said. "Oh really, about what?" He asked. "About our own fairy tale." You said. "Oh, really now, don't you like fairy tale?" Your mom asked. "Uh yeah." You said. Your mom set down the plates and sat down too. You all then began to eat. Soon you finished and washed your plate. You went upstairs and decided to head to bed. But before that you took a quick shower and put your (F/C) pjs on. You then turned off the lights and climbed into bed. You realized something fluffy was under the blankets and lifted it up. Under your blankets was a black kitten. You giggled. "There you are Blackstar." You said. Your kitten mewed and cuddled under your neck. You smiled as he curled up into a ball and fell back asleep. You yawned and soon fell asleep as well. If only you knew what was going to happen the next day.

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