Chapter 14: Foxy

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You also looked outside to see Bonnie and Foxy riding horses towards the hidden castle. "It is them." You said. You smiled but was interrupted by the sound of a roar and the building seemed to shake. You both screamed and held each other. The shaking caused the walls to break, revealing the outside world. You looked down to see them thinking of a quick plan. You looked around before seeing a couple of vines before smiling. "BubbleJam, grab onto the vines, we're going to have to swing off." You said. "Leaving so soon? But we were just getting started." They heard Vincent say. They looked at Vincent. "Uh yeah, but now it's going to end, now BubbleJam!" You shouted. You both grabbed onto a vine and swung off. "No!" Vincent shouted. You both swung before letting go. Bonnie and Foxy caught you both before riding off away from the castle. You looked at the castle before looking at Foxy with a smile. "Nice catch for someone who has a hook for a hand." You said. Foxy laughed with a shrug. "Once Ye know how to work the hook it be as simple as usiń both hands lass." He said simply. "And you have an Irish accent, what are you a pirate?" You asked. Bonnie and BubbleJam seemed to snicker. "Ye could say that, me great grandfather be a pirate, but it would be nice to be a pirate." Foxy said. Foxy looked at you with a smirk. "What about Ye? Ye and BubbleJam swung off like a pirate." Foxy said. You and BubbleJam looked at each other with a smile. "A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do." You both said. "Wow, never heard that from a princess before, only when it comes to getting make-up or hair done at some salon or something." Bonnie said. "We might be princesses, but I don't want to sit all day and act all perfect, nobody's perfect, no matter how much royalty you are." You stated. "Are Ye hangiń out with Goldie?" Foxy asked. "Uh no, just stating a fact that's true, but I do like to read a lot." You said. Foxy nodded. It was awkwardly silent until you spoke. "Sooo, I found out what kind of princess I am." You said. "You did? I thought your parents told you." Bonnie said. "Maybe they were, I kinda just got here, so they didn't want to rush things." You explained. "That is true, I'm just glad we're away from him." BubbleJam said with a shiver. "Yeah he's weird, like his skin is purple and his eyes are just plain white, even his hair was purple!" You said. You looked at Bonnie. "Don't worry Bonnie you look better with purple hair than he did." You said. BubbleJam nodded while combing Bonnie's hair. "And it's really soft, just like a bunny." She stated. Bonnie blushed. You looked at Foxy. "Don't you ever cut your hair?" You asked. "I could, but I like me hair flowiń with the wind." Foxy said while giving you a toothy grin. "Wow so majestic." You said dramatically. You all laughed before you came to the walls of he kingdom. A guard was on the look out before seeing the group. "They have returned with the princesses! Open the gates!" He shouted. The gates opened as they rode their horses inside. People crowded around them as your parents rushed up to you. You climbed off as your parents hugged you and BubbleJam. "Our dear (Y/N) you are well, and so is BubbleJam, we are happy to see you both alright." Your mother said. Your father looked at the two. "Thank you, you have brought the princesses safe and sound." He said. The two princes bowed. "It be nothiń, we only wanted to see them away from danger." Foxy said. You smiled. 'This was certainly interesting.' You thought.

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