Chapter 12

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You groaned as you opened your eyes before gasping. You were in some kind of chamber. The room was dark and your wrists and ankles were chained to the wall. You tired to struggle, but there was no use. You heard a familiar groan and looked over. "BubbleJam!?" You asked. BubbleJam gasped and looked to you, she was also chained to the wall. "(Y-Y/N)? Is that really you? Where are we? What's going on?" She seemed to hyperventilate. "BubbleJam, please calm down, I don't want you having a panic attack. We have to figure out where we are and get out of here." You said. "I'm afraid there will be no escaping." A dark voice said. You both looked to see a figure. His eyes pitch white, glowing with insanity. BubbleJam's eyes widen and she became paralyzed with fear. You glared at the new comer. "Who are you? And why are we here?" You asked. "My you're not the princess type to beg. But I differ, you've already heard of me. I am the reason you have gone away for a long time." He said. You began to think before your glare darkened. "Vincent." You hissed. Vincent clapped his hands together and separated them, flames forming as suddenly candles all around bright up, making you see him clearly. Vincent wore a robe, colored with purple and gold. But that's not what caught your attention. His skin was a light shade of purple, and his fair was a darker shade of purple. "Ah, Princess (Y/N) (L/N), so nice to have finally meet you." Vincent said. "I would beg to differ the word nice." You said with a glare. "My aren't you feisty, you know, you remind me of your father, you have his personality, yet you have your mother's looks, it's a nice combination if I say so myself." Vincent said. "You didn't answer me before. Why are we here?" You asked. "We?" He asked. Vincent looked to see BubbleJam. "Ah, Princess BubbleJam, I do apologize, but my pet loves to grab whatever it can get." Vincent said. BubbleJam only looked away, afraid to look at him in the eyes. "Now, for a reason why you are here, it's quite simple really, you see, your family has been tracking my kind for years now, they wanted to destroy us, seeming that we are dangerous, now, I am the last of my kind, so, I created a plan, I would take you at birth, and raise you to help me over throw the royal kingdoms, but, your parents were very clever at the time and send you away, out of my boundary of magic. But now since you have returned, at this rate I couldn't possibly raise you to destroy the royal kingdoms, but who says I can't use you?" Vincent asked mainly to himself. Vincent looked to you with a grin. "If, I were to have you as my hostage, your parents will do anything to get you back that's why I'll make a deal with them, if they want to have you back, well..." He trailed off. His grin became bigger. "They will have to give up their thrown to me." He said. "My parents would never do that! I won't let them!" You said with a growl. "Oh? Is that so? You must know how valuable you are, don't you?" Vincent asked. "Uh, that I'm a princess? I already know that." You said rolling your eyes. "Really now? I must tell you then." Vincent said. Vincent put his hands together. "Yes you are a princess, but not just any are the princess of the all the royal kingdoms, the head role, to control all, you are the princess of all hybrids." Vincent said.

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