Chapter 9

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The school was bigger than the eyesight of a plane. You wanted to look up to the buildings, but that only made you stumble backwards. Luckily you caught yourself before that happened. "Woah." Was all you said. Freddy gave a small laugh. "I know, it is a sight isn't it?" Freddy asked. You nodded. "Hey Freddy!" A voice called. You both looked to see Foxy, Chica, Goldie, and Bonnie. "Oh, that's my group, come on, I'm sure they want to meet you." Freddy said. You and Freddy walked up to the group. "Hello everyone, I'm sure you already know Princess Y/N)." Freddy said. "No need for titles." You said with a small laugh. "I met you yesterday with BubbleJam, nice to see you again." Bonnie said with a smile. You smiled back. "It be nice to meet ye lass." Foxy said with an Irish accent. "Yeah it's great to see the princess back here where she belongs." Chica said cheerfully. Goldie shyly looked down. "W-welcome." Was all he said quietly, but you still heard him. "It's nice to meet you all too." You said with a small bow. "Well, we have to get going, if you get lost, fill free to ask anyone in the school, everyone knows their way a lot." Freddy said. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks." You said with a small wave as they walked away. "Hey (Y/N)." Said a voice. You turned to see BubbleJam. "Hey BubbleJam, so how'd it go with you and Bonnie?" You asked wiggling your eyebrows. BubbleJam blushed. "He's very goofy, and his song was very, romantic." BubbleJam said. "See I told you." You said. "Oh never mind that, we should get to our classes, I remember the Mistress has given you the same class times as me, since I'm still your guide until you get used to things around here." BubbleJam said. "I don't mind, I need all the help I can get." You said. BubbleJam laughed. "Of course you do." BubbleJam said before walking. You stood there for a moment before you rushed beside her. "What does that mean?" You asked furrowing your eyes. "Nothing.~" She sang innocently. You both walked inside the school, some greeting you as you walked with BubbleJam. You both walked inside to what seems like an office. "Mistress, are you here?" BubbleJam asked. "Yes in here." A voice said. You and BubbleJam walked inside another room to see the Mistress putting a few books away. She looked to you both before giving a kind smile. "Ah, if it isn't BubbleJam and the returning princess, (Y/N) (L/N), come to help her get supplies I see?" She asked. "Yes Mistress." BubbleJam said smiling back. Mistress nodded and pulled out a small bag. "Each prince or princess must carry a school bag of supplies for each class, it is your responsibility to make sure you don't loose any items, other than that, welcome to the Royal School." She said. "It is nice to be here, Mistress." You said with a bow as she gave you the bag. "If you have any sort of trouble while BubbleJam is ever gone, come talk to me, see you girls later." Mistress said. You both nodded and exited out of the room. "Well that was easier than I thought." You said. "Mistress makes things seem a lot easier for all her students, it's what she does best." BubbleJam said. "Hm, so what class do we have first?" You asked. "Weaponry, princes and princesses are taught how to use their weapon of choice, though some princesses don't like to attend it." BubbleJam said. You rolled your eyes. "Why?" You asked. "Because that's what we princesses do best." Said a voice. You both looked before BubbleJam seemed a bit nervous. "Why now?" She muttered.

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