Chapter 13

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Your eyes widen. 'Me? The princess of all hybrid kingdoms?' She wondered to herself. Vincent smirked. "Oh? So you didn't know, what a shame, I thought your parents would have told you, but whatever." Vincent said. You then glared at Vincent. "I don't care what I am the next ruler of, I and my parents would never submit to someone from the likes of you." You hissed at. Vincent quietly laughed. "Oh you'll see my dear princess, once your parents give up their thrown to save you, I will make sure all will bow down before me, and become my slaves." Vincent said. Vincent's laugh grew louder as he left. "Ta ta.~" He sang before leaving. You sighed with relief as he left. You looked to see BubbleJam's eyes wide. "What?" You asked. "No one has ever spoken like that to him, how are you not afraid of him?" BubbleJam asked. "Maybe it's because I've only been aware of him yesterday." You suggested with a shrug. "I'm so scared, what will he do with us? He has no reason to kidnap me, but still." BubbleJam said. "Maybe once he's finish he'll make us his maids, or worse..." You said. You both shivered at the thought. "But we shouldn't just wait here to know what he'll do, we have to get out of here." You said. "But how will we do that?" BubbleJam asked. You used your strength and managed to get one of your throwing knives from your sleeve. "A technique that I learned." You said to BubbleJam. You tried to cut the chains as if they're ropes, seeing how the chains looked extremely old. You managed to cut the chains before doing the rest. You jumped down with agility before doing the same with BubbleJam, she also jumped down with agility. You looked to see a a pair of keys. You used one of the keys to open the shackles off of yours and BubbleJam's wrists and ankles. You then used another key to open the chamber door. "Now come on before he notices we're gone." You said. BubbleJam nodded and the two of you rushed off. You and BubbleJam looked around for an exit, but it was as though you both were in a maze. "I don't even know where we are, we could be going in circles for all I know." You said. "Uh, don't worry, we'll find a way out." BubbleJam said. "Oh princesses, where are you?~" Sung Vincent. You both gasped. "He knows we're gone, quick, we have to run." You said. You both ran as fast as you could. "Come out come out wherever you are.~" Vincent kept saying. You both tried to run as fast as you can but you saw something in the corner of your eye. You looked and gasped. A firey glow could be seen. "Duck." You said. You both duck as fire ran past you. "It's the purple dragon!" BubbleJam said with panic. You grabbed her hand and you both continued to run. You heard a roar as the both of you ran. "Here kitty kitty.~" Vincent called as more fire came just barely touching your dresses. You both saw a door and opened it before closing it and locking it. "We're trapped what are going to do now?" BubbleJam asked. You didn't answer, you frantically looked around for anymore idea, or where to hide. But dragons had good smelling and could toast you both. Suddenly the sounds of horses came and BubbleJam looked outside. She then gasped with hopeful smile. "What? Who is it?" You asked. BubbleJam looked to you with a huge smile. "It's our heroes." She said.

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