Final Chapter: Freddy

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You walked with your mother to the ballroom, already did you hear the sound of others talking and music playing. You smiled to yourself, you felt more confident then before. But you face soon turned red, 'What happens if Freddy's there, wonder what he'll look like.' Your mother seemed to noticed and smiled, "Don't worry, just be calm, and have fun, alright?" You looked to your mother and nodded, "Yeah, maybe just a bit excited about this." "You'll get used to it, celebrations like these happen often." Your mother explained. You and your mother stopped at the door leading to the ballroom. You took a deep breath in and you both entered. Everything was quiet, it was like all the attention was interrupted and was now on you. Your dress was a bit of a blue silky dress. You loved the dress, it reminded you somewhat of Freddy's eyes. You stood straight, but gave a light bow to the crowd. The crowd clapped, making you smile. Your mother brought you over to the thrones, where your father sat. Your father looked to you with a smile, "You look just like your mother, beautiful as ever." Your mother blushed making you giggle, your mother playfully rolled her eyes, "Oh hush you, there's bound to be a prince around here for you." Now it was your turn to blush, causing both your parents to give out a laugh. Your father stopped laughing, but still held a smile, "I did something for you, hold on." Your father bend over to the side of his throne and pulled out Blackstar, who looked to be wearing an outfit like a prince. Your eyes widen, and you cooed, "Aw he looks so cute." You picked Blackstar up and held him close, causing the kitten to mew. You sat down on your throne to play with the kitten. You played with him until you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up and blushed. Freddy had worn a blue, more fancy looking outfit, seemingly he looked like a Prince Charming. The music became a slow like song played by the orchestra. Freddy gave a bow and held his hand out, "May I have this dance?" You blushed but set Blackstar down, gave Freddy a smile and took his hand, standing up, "You may, but just to let you know, I barely know how to dance." Freddy smiled, "Don't worry, I'll teach you." Freddy escorted you towards the middle of the ballroom. Freddy stopped, turning to you, he gave you a bow, so did you. Freddy walked forward and lightly grabbed your hand, "This hand will be held my mine, your hand will go to my shoulder, while my hand will go to your waist." You did as he said the instructions, blushing as he held you close to him, "Now, follow my lead." You nodded and began to copy Freddy's footsteps, not realizing that you two were now dancing. The crowd watched as you danced. You looked around before seeing BubbleJam and Bonnie standing next to each other. BubbleJam has warn a purple and red dress them at flowed to her ankles. She gave you a wave excitedly while Bonnie have you the thumbs up. You rolled your eyes with a smile. Soon the song ended, some clamped while others got ready to dance with their partner. Freddy looked around before looking to you, "Come with me to the balcony, I want to show you something." Freddy lightly grabbed your hand and began to bring you to the balcony outside the ballroom. Freddy opened the door and you both stepped out, a gasp escaping from your lips. The night sky was full of stars, the moon shining bright, "Wow, it's so beautiful." "The stars remind me of your eyes, they always twinkle with positive emotions." Freddy said. You blushed and looked to Freddy, but smiled, "Thank you, this is really nice of you to do, I wish there was more people like you." Freddy smiled and held your hand, you could see that he had a tint of blush on his face, "(Y/N), from you walking off that plane, to being with you here right now, I've realized something. You are not like any other princess I have ever seen. I wanted to know more of you, for you to be with me. I want to ask you, will you be my princess?" Your eyes widen, but you smiled and gave a small giggle, "Yes Freddy, I'll be your princess." "Great because I am totally kissable." Freddy said. You gave a small laugh and leaned forward. Freddy did the same until your lips met his into a passionate kiss. You pulled away with a smile, "You're right, you are kissable." Freddy chuckled, "And they all lived happily ever after." You chuckled back, "The end."

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