Chapter 16

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You and BubbleJam did things that a normal person or neko would be doing. Having pillow fights, building forts, eating snacks, and gossiping a bit, but it was filled with jokes and laughter. You both wore your pjs, your being (F/C), BubbleJam's being a light blue and pink. You and BubbleJam are now speaking about what you two would do as Queens. "Gosh I don't know (Y/N) I really don't know what to do then." BubbleJam said. "Hey you'll have Bonnie probably as your King, maybe you two will rule together." You said with a smile. BubbleJam blushed but looked down at her hands, "I don't know." You frowned, "Hey, you okay?" BubbleJam blinked before looking up to you with a small smile, "It's fine, nothing to worry about I promise." "BubbleJam." You said with a low tone. BubbleJam gave a small sigh, "I'm thankful you're here, there's a lot of things that would've continued to happened throughout my life." You sat by BubbleJam, assuring her to go on. "Well before you came here, the Toys would constantly tease me about not having my knight in shining armor. Sometimes some people would tease me about my drawings. I was super shy and I couldn't defend myself, I didn't think I would even have a chance with Bonnie." BubbleJam continued. Her hands clenched her nightgown, tears threatening to pour. You put a hand on her shoulder, BubbleJam gave a tiny sob, "I once overheard my parents speaking, they said, that I...wouldn't be fit to be Queen if I can't even defend myself against other princes and princesses. I felt so useless and sometimes I wish...that I wasn't a princess at all." You quickly hugged BubbleJam, "You're not useless, and I think you'd make a great Queen. So what if you're shy or draw pictures, Bonnie seems to like you for that, because it's you. Not those preppy princesses that hope for a prince to come and swing them off their feet. You're different from that, that's why I chose you to be my friend." BubbleJam looked up to you with tears, "R-really?" You nodded with a smile, "Besides, you're not those preppy princesses, but Bonnie's pretty much swinging you off your feet right?" BubbleJam gave a small laugh while wiping her eyes, "Thanks (N/N), you really know how to cheer someone up." You gave a small laugh too before patting her back, "That's the BubbleJam I know, besides I think you're cool, I mean who else faced Vincent?" "I did." "See no other princesses would do that, I don't count." You said. BubbleJam nodded again before giving a small yawn, "Jeez, I'm tired." You too yawned, "Yeah, we should get to sleep, I guess we have a big day tomorrow, but wait, what am I suppose to do at the ball?" BubbleJam gave a giggle, "You greet the other kings and queens, the best part is that a prince will ask you to dance with him!" BubbleJam started to quietly squeal, you just blushed wildly and threw a pillow at BubbleJam, causing her to laugh. You just chuckled and laid down on your bed, BubbleJam also laid down, since the bed was big enough for you two. I looked at BubbleJam, "What am suppose to wear tomorrow?" BubbleJam just smirked and turned, making her back face you, "That's a surprise." You raised an eyebrow, "The heck does that mean?" "Nothing.~" BubbleJam said before falling asleep. You just blinked a couple of times and shook your head before turning your back to her too, soon falling asleep. Not before saying out loud, "We forgot to go to that story telling party." You both just laugh and go back to sleep.

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